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伴着共和国行进的脚步 ,山西的文化事业走过 5 0年辉煌的历程。建国前的山西 ,不仅封闭落后 ,而且饱受战祸蹂躏 ,因此几乎是在一片废墟上 ,建起了今天文化事业的巨厦。当我们回眸这光辉灿烂的 5 0年的时候 ,不能不由衷地为这惊人的巨变而感叹。一、风雨兼程三十年建国以来 ,山 Accompanied by the pace of the Republic, Shanxi’s cultural undertakings passed the brilliant course of 50 years. Before the founding of the People’s Republic, Shanxi was not only closed and backward but also devastated by the war, so it was almost in a ruin that it built a giant mansion of cultural undertakings today. When we look back on this glorious 50 years, we can not but heartily sigh for this amazing change. First, trials and hardships Thirty years since the founding of the PRC, the mountain
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建设有中国特色社会主义文化 ,要立足中国现实、继承文化优秀传统 ,在与传统文化、西方文化的冲突中 ,坚持以我为主、为我所用的原则。有中国特色社会主义的文化渊源于中华民