经济法概论 第九讲 涉外经济法律制度

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市场经济的本质是开放的。我国社会主义的市场发展必然要与世界市场发生各种各样的经济关系。依法调整这些具有涉外因素的经济关系,制定相应的法律、法规,形成了涉外经济法律制度。涉外经济法律制度内容十分广泛。其中外商投资法律制度、对外贸易法律制度、涉外经济合同法律制度是涉外经济法律制度的基本形式。鉴于篇幅所限,本文对以上法律制度的基本形式和内容作如下简要的介绍:一、外商投资法律制度(一)中外合资经营企业法1.中外合资经营企业法的概况。中外合资经营企业是指中外合资经营者在中国境内经中国政府批准依法规定由中外合营者双方共同投资、共同经营、共享利润、共担风险的企业。依法调整合营企业在设立、终止及其生产经营过程中所发生的各种经济关系的法律规范的总称,就是 The essence of market economy is open. The development of the socialist market in our country necessarily entails a variety of economic relations with the world market. Adjusting these economic relations with foreign factors according to law and formulating corresponding laws and regulations, the legal system of foreign-related economy has been formed. The contents of the legal system concerning foreign economic relations are very broad. The legal system of foreign investment, the legal system of foreign trade and the legal system of foreign-related economic contracts are the basic forms of the legal system concerning foreign-related economy. In view of the limitation of space, this article briefly introduces the basic forms and contents of the above legal system: I. Legal System for Foreign Investment 1. Chinese-Foreign Equity Joint Venture Law 1. Overview of Sino-Foreign Joint Venture Law. Sino-foreign equity joint ventures refer to enterprises in China that jointly approved by the Chinese government and approved by the Chinese government for joint ventures and joint ventures by Chinese and foreign joint venturers to share risks and risks. The general term for regulating the legal norms governing joint ventures in the establishment, termination and various economic relations that occur during the course of their production and operation according to law is
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本刊讯通讯员李新甫报道11月3 ̄9日,郑州市在市中心科技馆广场举办了大型建筑节能科普知识巡回展。河南省副省长张大卫出席开幕式并作重要指示, Xinhua correspondent Li Xinf
1999年赣榆县开展了 1996~ 1998年居民恶性肿瘤死亡回顾性调查 ,结果分析如下。1 材料与方法死因按ICD -9编码归类。用简略寿命表法计算期望寿命 ,PYLL统计方法计算寿命损失年 ,使用
瑞典SKF公司研究的SEE(Spectral EmittedEnergy——谱能量发射)专利技术,在极高的振动频率(250~350kHz)下,能检测滚动轴承的运行状态,并能非常敏感地早期诊断滚动轴承故障。S