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目的比较实验室自制酶底物滤膜测试片法和51孔定量盘酶底物法在检测水中总大肠菌群与大肠埃希菌上是否具有等效性。方法选取不同地区的3个实验室,分别采集生活饮用水和水源水,同时采用酶底物滤膜测试片法和51孔定量盘酶底物法进行总大肠菌群和大肠埃希菌检测,按照ISO 17994∶2014《水质-微生物方法之间的等效性建立标准》对检测结果数据进行分析。结果 3个实验室采用两种方法检测总大肠菌群均数的扩展不确定度的置信上限范围为(0.0494,0.0903),置信下限范围为(-0.0713,-0.0490);检测大肠埃希菌均数的扩展不确定度的置信上限范围为(0.0307,0.0882),置信下限范围为(-0.0928,-0.0381);两者置信上限和下限均在可接受的区间范围内(0,0.10000)和(-0.1000,0)。说明3个实验室采用两种方法检测总大肠菌群与大肠埃希菌的等效性验证结果均无差异。结论酶底物滤膜测试片法和51孔定量盘酶底物法在检测总大肠菌群与大肠埃希菌参数上具有等效性,进行总大肠菌群与大肠埃希菌检测时,酶底物滤膜测试片法可以作为51孔定量盘酶底物法的替代和补充。 OBJECTIVE: To compare the feasibility of using the homemade enzyme substrate membrane test method and the 51-well quantitative pan-enzyme substrate method in the laboratory to detect whether the total coliforms and Escherichia coli in water are equivalent. Methods Three laboratories in different regions were selected to collect drinking water and source water respectively. The total coliforms and Escherichia coli were detected by enzyme substrate membrane test and 51-well quantitative plate enzyme substrate method. The test results were analyzed in accordance with ISO 17994: 2014, “Water quality - Equivalence criteria between microbial methods”. Results The upper limits of confidence for the expanded uncertainty of total coliform counts in three laboratories were (0.0494,0.0903) and the lower limits of confidence were (-0.0713, -0.0490) in both laboratories. The detection of Escherichia coli (0.0307,0.0882), and the lower confidence range is (-0.0928, -0.0381). Both upper and lower confidence limits are within the acceptable range (0, 0.10000) and ( -0.1000,0). This shows that there are no differences between the two laboratories using the two methods to test the equivalence of total coliforms and Escherichia coli. Conclusion Enzyme substrate membrane test method and 51-well quantitative plate enzyme substrate method in the detection of total coliform and Escherichia coli parameters are equivalent, the total coliform and Escherichia coli test, the enzyme Substrate membrane test method can be used as a 51-well quantitative pan-enzyme substrate method instead of and supplement.
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