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记得,十多年前去同江,开车起早贪黑要跑大半天。而今,从虎林的建鸡高速出口算起,仅两小时多点,没觉景就到了同江。这不禁让人联想起古人的“缩地之术”。现在人们无需再挥舞神鞭,汽车便稳稳当当地在三江平原的高速路上飞驰。此行到同江是探望病重的姑姑。六年前,姑姑股骨头骨折,一直卧床住在女儿家,由女儿精心照 I remember, more than a decade ago to go to Tongjiang, drove from dawn to dawn for most of the day. Now, starting from the Hulin’s high-speed chicken exports, only two hours more, no sense of the scene to the same river. This can not help but reminiscent of the ancients’ “art of shrinking.” Now people no longer need to whip the whip, the car will be steadily speeding in the Sanjiang Plain speeding. This trip to the same river is to visit ailing aunt. Six years ago, aunt fracture of the femur, has been lying in bed at her daughter’s home, carefully taken care of by her daughter
在化学教学中对学生进行环保教育,不仅是教学大纲的要求,也是化学学科自身的特点,是提高学生素质实施素质教育的重要途径之一。 Teaching environmental education to stude
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