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“重新发给我枪吧”(载本刊四卷三期)作者立高同志,过去曾经写过“永远向着前面”等成功的得到广大读者欢迎的作品,但从“重新发给我枪吧”发表以後,却引起了许多读者的不满,主要是因为在这篇作品里,作者把一个团的战斗英雄和模范党员(老李)写成是一个“不知为什麽”“闪起了退伍回家念头”并且充满和平幻想甚、至对美帝国主义充满幻想的人物。据我们所知,作者在他的初稿,曾经把这种和平幻想主要的表现在领导人物身上,而老李恰巧和现在相反,被写成是 Author Li Gao, comrade Li Gao, has written in the past, “always toward the front,” and other successful readers get the majority of readers, but from the “After the publication, it has aroused the dissatisfaction of many readers mainly because in this work, the author writes a regimental fighting hero and Model Party member (Lao Li) as a” I do not know why “ ”Flash back home thoughts " and full of peace and fantasy, to the figure full of illusion of US imperialism. To the best of our knowledge, in his first draft, the author has primarily characterized this vision of peace as leader, and Lao Li happened to be the opposite of what it is now
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