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随着军队体制编制的调整改革,人武部门编制相对减少,队伍更加精干。但也遇到了一个新矛盾,就是人员少了工作任务没有少,而且随着常备军数量的减少,国防动员和后备力量建设的任务更加繁重。在新的历史时期,人武部门要做好新时期军事斗争准备,就必须解决好人少事多的矛盾,就必须从提高人员素质入手,大力加强人武部的能力建设。一是必须坚持从实际需要出发,加强人武干部能力建设。人武部门的工作有着自身的特点和规律,抓能力建设要从实际需要出发,着重提高以下五种能力。一是政治工作能力。人武干部应当具有很强的政治敏感性和政治鉴别力,善于从政治上分析判断形势、思考处理问题,始终坚持正确的政治方向。二是作战能力。人武部门是军事机关,平时从事人武工作,战时则要动员支前,必须学军事、懂军事。尤其要努力掌握现代军事高科技知识特别是信息化知识,不断提高驾驭现代战争能力。三是调研能力。调查研究足谋事之基、成事之道。人武部门的干部,人人都应掌握调查研究这项基本功。要通过深入细致的调研,掌握真情实况,探 With the readjustment and reform of the system of military establishment, the establishment of armed forces departments has been relatively reduced, and the ranks have become even more capable. However, it has also encountered a new contradiction in that there are fewer personnel with fewer tasks and that as the number of standing troops decreases, the task of building national defense mobilization and reserve forces is more arduous. In the new historical period, if the armed forces departments must make preparations for the military struggle in the new era, they must solve the contradictions between the good and the few, and begin by improving their personnel quality and vigorously strengthen the capacity building of the armed forces department. First, we must proceed from the actual needs and strengthen the capacity building of cadres of the armed forces. The work of the armed forces department has its own characteristics and laws. To grasp capacity building, we must proceed from the actual needs and focus on enhancing the following five abilities. First, political work ability. People’s military cadres should have strong political sensitivity and political discrimination, be good at analyzing and judging the situation politically, think about and handle problems, and always adhere to the correct political direction. Second, combat capability. The military and armed forces department is a military organ that usually engages in military and civilian work. When wartime, mobilization must be made and military and military affairs must be learned. In particular, we must strive to grasp the modern high-tech military knowledge, especially information technology, and continuously improve our ability to control the modern war. Third, research capabilities. Investigate the basis of footwork, the road to success. People’s military cadres, everyone should have the basic skills of investigation and study. Through in-depth and detailed research, grasp the truth, exploration
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