
来源 :福建建材 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dingyi
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国内外经验表明,建材工业对于促进国民经济快速发展、满足人民群众改善生活环境和提高生活质量的需求都起到重要作用。 在未来10~15年间,福建建材工业的发展要以国内外市场需求为导向,依靠先进科学技术,实施可持续发展战略,围绕产业结构调整和优化,以质量、节能、节土、节水、保护环境为重点,以企业技术改造为主要途径,提高全行业的技术水平、管理水平、整体素质与实力;大力扶持新型建筑材料、非金属矿及其深加工、无机非金属新材料、化学建材等产业的发展,使之成为新的经济增长点;加快建材工业增长方式的转变,使之成 Experience at home and abroad shows that the building materials industry plays an important role in promoting the rapid development of the national economy and satisfying the needs of the people to improve their living environment and improve their quality of life. In the next ten to fifteen years, the development of the building materials industry in Fujian should be guided by domestic and foreign market demand, rely on advanced science and technology, implement sustainable development strategies, and adjust and optimize the industrial structure, with quality, energy conservation, land and water, and water conservation. Protecting the environment as the key point, taking the technological transformation of enterprises as the main approach, improving the industry-wide technological level, management level, overall quality and strength; vigorously supporting new building materials, non-metallic minerals and deep processing, inorganic non-metallic new materials, chemical building materials, etc. The development of the industry has made it a new economic growth point; it has accelerated the transformation of the growth mode of the building materials industry to make it
据芬兰加米拉(Kemira)公司证实,该公司颜料部在荷兰鹿特丹扩建的TiO2装置于1997年1月28日发生爆炸事故。这次事故造成一人死亡,两人受伤。 According to Kemira of Finland
DuPont Dow Elastomers、DuPont Showa、DuPont和Showa Denkv合建了在日本销售这4家公司生产的合成橡胶产品的合资企业。在该合资企业中DuPont Dow Elastomers控股65%。 DuP
Huls公司最近开发了新型防水系列产品,以扩展其表面活性剂业务。 新产品系列,如Marlox B24具有耐碱和良好的湿润性能。据称,该公司销售B24/50和 Huls recently developed a
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