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农村基层党组织是党在农村的战斗堡垒,是促进农村稳定与发展,实现农业增效、农民增收的关键所在。近年来,随着市场经济的发展,越来越多的农村党员走出村镇,以所从事的行业为轴心跨地区流动的现象日益频繁。如何对分散在各个产业、行业链条上的农村党员实行有效的组织、教育和管理,是市场经济形势下农村基层党组织建设的新课题。 去年以来,乳山市按照“有所依托、就近方便、发挥优势、服务经济”原则,积极探索打破地区界限,按行业设置跨村跨镇农村基层党组织的新思路、新途径,建立起新型党的农村基层组织,有力地促进了农村经济的快速发展,为新时期农村基层党组织建设注入了活力。 The grass-roots party organizations in rural areas are the party’s fighting bastions in the countryside and the key to promoting rural stability and development, realizing agricultural efficiency and increasing farmers’ incomes. In recent years, with the development of the market economy, more and more rural party members have stepped out of their villages and towns and the phenomenon of inter-regional movements with the industries they are engaged in has become increasingly frequent. How to effectively organize, educate and manage the rural party members scattered in various industries and industries is a new task in the construction of rural grassroots party organizations in the market economy. Since last year, Rushan City has actively explored ways to break the boundaries of the region and set up new ideas and new ways for rural grassroots party organizations across the villages according to the industry according to the principle of “relying on convenience, giving play to advantages and serving the economy.” Of rural grassroots organizations have effectively promoted the rapid development of rural economy and injected vitality into the building of rural grass-roots party organizations in the new era.
长期以来有一种传闻 ,说红军长征到达贵州茅台镇时 ,在茅台酒厂的酿酒池里洗脏脚。全国政协委员、中国社会科学院学术委员喻权域教授曾对此说法多次予以驳斥。 2 0 0 1年 11
The conventional structures in the Switched Reluctance machines are introduced, such as three-phase 12/8 structure Switched Reluctance machine, three-phase 6/4
This paper proposed a new concept of an adaptable multi-legged skid design for retro-fitting to a remotely-operated vehicle(ROV) during high tidal current under
学风建设是党的建设的重要环节。加强党的学风建设必须立足根本,标本兼治,抓住关键环节,多管齐下,才能见成效。 The construction of style of study is an important part