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  Johnny: Oucchh!! Be careful!
  Fadi: All right, all right...I’m trying…you’re heavy!
  Harry: He’ll need his 1)crutch...hang on...here you go...OK? Can you sit down now?
  Johnny: Yeah. I think so.
  Olivia: Oh my goodness! What has happened?
  Sarah: Johnny! What have you done to your leg?
  Johnny: Sporting injury.
  Sarah: Oh no! What happened?
  Johnny: Well, we were playing football...me and the boys.
  Harry/Fadi: Yeah, that’s right, we were, yeah…
  Johnny: And I was Sun Jihai, from Manchester City.
  Harry: I was Drogba, from Chelsea.
  Fadi: And I was David Beckham, of course.
  Sarah/Olivia: (laughter)
  Sarah: So you were playing football, and Johnny got injured?
  Harry/Johnny/Fadi: Ermm…
  Olivia: Did someone kick him?
  Fadi: No.
  Sarah: Did he fall over?
  Harry: Not exactly.
  Olivia: What happened then?
  Fadi: It wasn’t really a sporting injury.
  Sarah: Go on!
  Johnny: It was kind of a sporting injury.
  Fadi: But we’d actually finished playing football.
  Harry: And we decided to go to the pub for a drink.
  Fadi: And as we were walking there...
  Johnny: I slipped and fell over.
  Olivia/Sarah: (silent, surprised a moment)...What?
  Olivia: That’s ridiculous!
  Sarah: That’s 2)hilarious! (laughter)
  Johnny: Hmmpph. Thank you very much. Here comes Magda, at least she’ll give me some sympathy. Hi Magda!
  Magda: Hi Johnny. Oh dear! What happened to your leg?
  Johnny: Long story...don’t really want to talk about it.
  Olivia: Really Magda, it’s better if you don’t know.
  Sarah: Just don’t ask! We’ll tell you later. Don’t worry!
  Magda: Erm, OK then...sure. Listen, Johnny, I was hoping you were going to give me some interview advice. Do you remember? I have an important interview next week.
  Johnny: Oh sure, yeah, I remember. Yes, good idea—I’ll give you some tips. It’ll help take my mind off this injury. So, interviews, well, first thing—make sure you dress smartly.
  Magda: How do you mean “smartly”?
  Johnny: Well, wear a suit, a grey one.
  Magda: A woman’s suit?
  Johnny: Yeah. You know the kind of thing, skirt and a jacket.
  Magda: OK.
  Sarah: Erm, I’m not sure that’s always right, though. It depends on the company, surely.
  Magda: How do you mean?
  Sarah: Well, if you’re going to a company where everybody wears smart suits—like the kind of people Johnny works with—then, yeah, you should wear a suit. But if the company you’re applying to isn’t the kind of company where everyone wears suits all the time.   Olivia: Where people dress more 3)casually.
  Sarah: Exactly. You don’t want to look 4)overdressed, too formal.
  Magda: No, I guess not.
  Olivia: You just need to look like you fit in!
  Johnny: Yeah, that’s good advice. But you have to know first, and that’s the second thing I wanted to say—research the company! Find out as much about them as you can! Don’t let them ask all the questions.
  Sarah: Yes, that’s right—they always give you a chance to ask a question, so ask an intelligent question!
  Johnny: Just one or two questions are enough, no more than that.
  Sarah: Yeah, to make you sound interested, and look interested.
  Johnny: Precisely—look interested. Body language. It’s really important. Make sure you look the interviewers in the eyes.
  Sarah: But don’t stare at them!
  Magda: No.
  Johnny: But show you’re confident, and you know what you’re talking about.
  Magda: That’s the problem. I’m not sure that I do!
  Johnny: Oh, and don’t be late for the interview! Plan to get there early.
  Magda: So much advice, so much to think about. It’s making me more nervous, not less!
  Olivia: Oh dear.
  Sarah: Don’t worry, that’s the important thing. Relax and enjoy it! (crashing noise) What’s that?
  Olivia: Oh, I forgot to tell you all—my nephew Joe is here again today.
  Fadi: I remember Joe. He’s the little boy who’s always...(sound of something breaking)...exactly!
  Olivia: Joe! Slow down please! Joe! Please be careful!
  Magda: He’s so sweet.
  Johnny: He’s sweet as long as he doesn’t come near my...aaaagghhhh!!!!...my injured leg!

  伦敦大火(Great Fire of London),发生于1666年9月2日至5日,是英国伦敦历史上最严重的一次火灾,烧掉了许多建筑物,包括圣保罗大教堂。
  1666年9月2日星期天凌晨1点左右,伦敦普丁巷(Pudding Lane)有一间面包铺失火。一阵大风将火焰迅速吹过几条全是木屋的狭窄街道,然后进入了泰晤士河北岸的一些仓库里。大火连续烧了4天,蔓延了整个城市。87间教堂、44家公司以及13000间民房尽被焚毁,欧洲最大的城市伦敦大约六分之一的建筑被烧毁。后来在起火点普丁巷附近立了一个纪念碑(即伦敦大火纪念碑),高61.5公尺,共有311阶,顶端为火焰围绕的圆球,是英国天文学家和建筑师克里斯多佛·雷恩(Sir Christopher Wren)所设计。
近来,网络上几段交警教育违规路人和司机的视频传得异常火爆。无论视频内容是真实的街拍还是为了夸大效果而有所准备,在看过、笑过之后,我们是否应该也认真思考、反省一下,日常生活中自己遵守交通规则了吗?  我真不敢相信他闯红灯了!  I can’t believe he just 1)ran a red!  过马路之前要向两边看一看。  Look both ways before you cross th
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The white swan—with its long, graceful neck—is among the most beautiful of birds. The swan is mostly silent through its life. It floats quietly on the water, unable to sing sweet songs like most other