“冠军联赛就是一剂毒品,尝到了就再也扔不下了!”-2003-2004赛季欧洲冠军联赛亚军摩纳哥队后卫埃夫拉如是说! 没有哪一项俱乐部赛事能够像欧洲冠军联赛那样成为每一个足球运动员刻骨铭心的期望,它的桂冠就像一块巨大的磁石吸引几乎所有的足坛英豪竞相为之孜孜以求,不惜耗费短暂而又宝贵的足球生涯执着地拼搏奋斗。转眼将近半个世纪过去了,随着赛制的不断改革与发展,它依然呈现出蒸蒸日上的趋势,影响的范围从欧洲到美洲,到非洲,到亚洲,几乎世界的每一个角落。日复一日,年复一年,这种诱惑就像毒品一样,令—代代球星不能把它分秒的割舍……
“The Champions League is a drug and will not be tossed any longer!” - Evans Monza, a 2003-2004 UEFA Champions League runner-up, said that none of the club events could be the same as the UEFA Champions League A football player unforgettable expectations, its crown like a huge magnet to attract almost all the football hero competing for it, without spending a brief but valuable football career dedicated to struggle. Nearly half a century later, with the continuous reform and development of the system, it is still showing a thriving trend ranging from Europe to the Americas, to Africa, to Asia and to almost every corner of the world. Day after day, year after year, this kind of temptation is like a drug, so that - from generation to generation, the star can not give it a second.