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珠江北上为巴江,巴江之星是炭步。炭步镇历史上是农业大镇,1992年小平南巡,尤其是1995年以来,镇党委和镇政府加大“科教兴镇”力度,以知识为核心,走可持续发展的道路。5年多来,社会总产值以34%的速度递增,1997年达到26.58亿元,人均GDP超过了3000美元,农村居民人均收入为5100元,两个文明建设双双进入了广东省的先进行列。现采撷几朵小花以奉献给读者。 一村一品 炭步,历史上的农业大镇追求的是“以粮为纲”,但经济始终落后。十四届 Pearl River north of Pakistan, Pakistan’s Star is a carbon step. Charcoal town is historically a large agricultural town. In 1992, Xiaoping made his southern tour. Since 1995, especially, the town party committee and the town government have stepped up efforts to “rejuvenate the town by science and education,” taking knowledge as the core and taking the path of sustainable development. In the past five years, the total social output value increased at a rate of 34%. In 1997, it reached 2.658 billion yuan, the per capita GDP exceeded 3,000 U.S. dollars, and the per capita income of rural residents was 5,100 yuan. Both civilizations have entered the advanced ranks of Guangdong Province. Now pick a few flowers to dedicate to readers. One village a product of carbon market, the history of the agricultural town is the pursuit of “food as the key link”, but the economy has always lagged behind. The fourteenth session
今年我国终于加入了WTO ,举国上下一片欢腾 ,作为我国颇有历史传统的中药行业更是喜气洋洋 ,人们普遍认为中药制药不仅不会受到西药制药那样的冲击 ,更会大举打入国际市场 ,为国
各国及地区PETPPPAPAN2 0 0 0   2 0 0 1  ± %   2 0 0 0   2 0 0 1  ± %   2 0 0 0   2 0 0 1  ± %   2 0 0 0   2 0 0 1  ± %  西欧 14 2 112 81-10 159
采用无水乙醇做硝酸甘油注射剂溶媒,制定处方,该注射剂经稳定性考察,在贮藏条件下稳定,并且安全可靠。 The use of anhydrous ethanol as nitroglycerin solvent, to develo