My Dream

来源 :校园英语·中旬 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hankeycncn
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  My dream at first sprouted in 2010 in the United States Time that published an article on an Afghan girl Elsa who had been under her husband’s violence for long time and was brutally cut off the nose and ears. My heart for the first time was deeply shocked by this story , in addition full of resentment of sympathy to Elsa. Mostly it is the indignation and discontent of the roles of men and women are not equal. Then I read a lot of related novels and books, found that even in the Middle East and Africa, although women had to do hard work for their husband’s family, they were still in a subordinate position, not for a proper respect. For thousands of years. women have been being plagued by patriarchal society trampling under the patriarchal social system, which makes it into a perdition. Especially in Asian and African their civilization development is relatively backward, which pulls the countries and regions into a more prominent situation.Seeds of dream thus quietly take root in my mind : Be sure to do efforts to change the living conditions of women, so that they are no longer subject to discrimination, but to enjoy the male equality of treatment.
  With the development of the times and the support of the international community, Africa women status has been improved to some extent. But in the process of modernization, there are many aspects deserve our intention : the lower economic development level, the poverty, domestic inflation, the people’s living standards,the lack of basic infrastructure , deeply rooted patriarchal system and patriarchal ideas , domestic war. Besides, tough weather like drought climate and severe shortage of water makes women prepare heavy dowry to please husband’s family just ask for the improvement of a bathroom.
  For the above list of phenomena, I hope African nation leaders in the aspect of social system make some adjustments in order to change the status of women in Africa, and I embrace the same dream not hesitate to choose the profession that is closely related to transforming the superstructure—law. I think learning and mastering solid legal skills maybe do a little contribution to the enhancement of the voice of women.
  Maybe my dream is too huge and impractical, perhaps in the future even my own life can not be maintained, perhaps this is just a beautiful dream and difficult to achieve, perhaps my help to them will make no use, and maybe it is insignificant compared with the selfless love of Mother Teresa, but I want to say I am willing to pay my own hard work for my dream.Even if there is a small change I also think it deserves, feeling conscientious and satisfied. Although there are so many conditions to meet, but I would like to dream by constantly satisfy all the conditions, overcome setbacks and difficulties, and ultimately realize my dream.   What I admire most is Martin Luther King’s famous speech “I have a dream”. It deeply inspired me. Whenever and wherever I read his speech, how I really feel inside is full of the strength of power of majestic. I know in the future one day I will be able to make my own contribution to the improvement of women.
  Whenever I see women hopeless eyes, see them are abused and bulled by their husband and family , my heart is blooding. How I wish to help them, wipe away their tears and tell them future life is still full of happiness, but I hope that they would be guttier to stand up and to fight for their own fate, change the own destiny by struggle, fight for their own happiness, enjoy respect and happiness with people all over the world and women with the same fate.
  Maybe I know the reality is cruel and can not imagine the various complexity of society but I am willing to endure loneliness, to endure winter and summer, bear hardships and pain, endure others’ misunderstanding and satirical gossip, bear strong pressure, only for Africa women on some changes, so that that is enough. From my view, I am a member of worldwide women, the same feelings as if i have experienced. So I expect to change their position at least from the next several aspects: first, abolish cruel old customs and etiquette that does not conform to the modern civilization, such as circumcision and other backward old conventions. Second, improve their own independent consciousness and ability, so that they could realize that their own destiny will be changed by resistance, which is not dependent on men and has an independent status. Third, establish a legal system that is conducive to the employment and discrimination of women. In addition, the international community, international humanitarian and other social influence increase strengthen ,which makes the economic independence raise and physical counseling for women. of course it do positive work. And I am pleased to see that such assistance is increasing year by year, and I sincerely hope that in the future there will be a greater improvement!
  I have a dream ,dream one day women will show sweet smile ,no sadness,no loneliness,there will just be joy ,happiness,self-esteem and respect ,and I dream one day,African women will longer be bullied .They will be confident ,independent ,strong and brave for defending their rights,dare to fight against the unfair fate,and to fight for their own happiness in life .I expect that one day the South African women can have a job in key positions due to their brilliant ability.Let the world sit up and clap for their boldness and talent!
  Finally, I would like to end with classic western weeding vows to express my determination. Now please take the name of love ,would you take “it”as your lawful wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do part you? “yes” absolutely ! I will keep it forever and never surrendered!
【摘要】本文结合实际教学经验,对高中英语教学如何提高学生综合运用知识的能力进行了阐述,指出了综合运用知识的能力,就是听、说、读、写能力的具体体现。论述了提高上述能力的有效方法。  【关键词】教学 能力 知识  国家新课标已经颁布很多年了,课改也搞了多年,我结合这几年高中英语教学的心得体会,谈谈高中英语教学中如何提高学生综合运用知识的能力。学生的综合运用知识的能力,具体表现为听、说、读、写四个方面的
【摘要】写作是利用语言及文字来进行书面表达的一种方式,是自我认识、与外界交流、自我创造的过程。而小学英语写作教学过程中,我们要鼓励学生通过英语自由地表达自己的观点及创意。虽然写作教学在英语教学中占有非常重要的地位,但是却长期处于尴尬局面中,从而造成当前写作教学效果不理想的局面。为此,作为作为教师的我们要引起足够的重视,从而提高学生写作能力。  【关键词】小学英语 教育教学 写作 原则 方法 阅读 
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