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张某给他的孪生子买了一大块西瓜,回家切成两块分给两个宝宝吃,拿到大块西瓜的宝宝边吃边笑,拿到小块西瓜的宝宝边吃边哭,这一哭一笑不要紧,两个西瓜子同时吸进了气管里,这真是无巧不成书。为什么会发生这样的事情呢?这就要从气管的构造和功能说起了。气管是由喉头通入肺的通管,呼吸时声门打开,吃东西时声门关闭,保护着气管,使食物顺利地进入食道,而不致呛入气管。但是,小儿的喉头保护能力差,牙齿也未长全,还不能嚼碎较硬的食物;同时,小儿又易嘻笑、哭闹,造成大吸气的动作,这样西瓜子就容易顺着开大的声门吸进了气管。 Zhang bought his twin a large piece of watermelon, home cut into two points to two baby to eat, get a large piece of watermelon baby eat while laughing, get a small piece of watermelon baby eat while crying This cry does not matter, two watermelon at the same time inhaled into the trachea, this is really coincidentally book. Why does such a thing happen? This is about the structure and function of the trachea. Trachea is through the larynx lung access, open the glottis when breathing, eat when the glottis closed to protect the trachea, the food smoothly into the esophagus, without choking into the trachea. However, children’s laryngeal protection is poor, the teeth are not full, can not chew hard food; the same time, children and easy to laugh, cry, causing a large suction action, so easy to follow the watermelon son Large glottis sucked into the trachea.