Hypothesis testing for reliability with a three-parameter Weibull distribution using minimum weighte

来源 :Journal of Zhejiang University-Science C(Computers & Electro | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ww5205205220
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With the help of relative entropy theory,norm theory,and bootstrap methodology,a new hypothesis testing method is proposed to verify reliability with a three-parameter Weibull distribution.Based on the relative difference information of the experimental value vector to the theoretical value vector of reliability,six criteria of the minimum weighted relative entropy norm are established to extract the optimal information vector of the Weibull parameters in the reliability experiment of product lifetime.The rejection region used in the hypothesis testing is deduced via the area of intersection set of the estimated truth-value function and its confidence interval function of the three-parameter Weibull distribution.The case studies of simulation lifetime,helicopter component failure,and ceramic material failure indicate that the proposed method is able to reflect the practical situation of the reliability experiment. With the help of relative entropy theory, norm theory, and bootstrap methodology, a new hypothesis testing method is proposed to verify reliability with a three-parameter Weibull distribution. Based on the relative difference information of the experimental value vector to the theoretical value vector reliability, six criteria of the minimum weighted relative entropy norm are established to extract the optimal information vector of the Weibull parameters in the reliability experiment of product lifetime.The rejection region used in the hypothesis testing is deduced via the area of ​​intersection set of the estimated truth-value function and its confidence interval function of the three-parameter Weibull distribution. the case studies of simulation lifetime, helicopter component failure, and ceramic material failure indicate that the proposed method is able to reflect the practical situation of the reliability experiment.
(1) 本文介绍利用当量直径的概念对非十分重要的阶梯轴弯曲的刚度作近似计算的方法; (2) 推导当量直径的计算公式。并指出“机械制造者手册”卷4中所介绍的空心阶梯轴当量直
钢制拱顶罐自采用SYJT标准图以来,在施工中,我们采用了以下几种做法。 1 倒装机具以前在钢制拱顶罐的施工中,由于罐体结构及尺寸各不相同,每次施工都要做一套伞架和倒装机具
3 计算机程序设计通过前一部分对提篮桁拱静态特性的分析不难看出,提篮半穿式管桥的设计计算比较繁杂。为了克服依靠手工计算可能导致的各种麻烦,以利于减轻设计人员的劳动