Experimental Research of Vanadium-Microalloyed X100 Pipeline Steels

来源 :Journal of Iron and Steel Research(International) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sy_haiboo
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In order to develop X100 pipeline steels with high strength and low temperature toughness,the steel bearing vanadium has been studied in the laboratory.The continuous cooling phase transformation behavior of the steel under deforming condition was investigated.The microstructure of the steel at different cooling rates was observed by microscope.Finally,by proper producing processes,the X100 pipeline steel was developed successfully in lab.The composition,processes,microstructure and properties have been analyzed and discussed.Experimental research results showed that the strength of X100 steel can be improved by reducing the cooling stop temperature.The tempering treatment after TMCP can improve the strength of vanadium-microalloyed X100 steel too,without change of the impact toughness. In order to develop X100 pipeline steels with high strength and low temperature toughness, the steel bearing vanadium has been studied in the laboratory. Continuous cooling phase transformation behavior of the steel under deforming condition was investigated. Microstructure of the steel at different cooling rates was observed by microscope. Finally, by proper producing processes, the X100 pipeline steel was developed successfully in lab. The composition, processes, microstructure and properties have been analyzed and discussed. Experimental results showed that the strength of X100 steel can be improved by reducing the cooling stop temperature. The tempering treatment after TMCP can improve the strength of vanadium-microalloyed X100 steel too, without change of the impact toughness.
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