臭牡丹(Clerodendron bungei)别名矮童子、大红袍、臭八宝,属马鞭草科落叶灌木,因叶具强烈臭味而得名。别看它的名字不雅,其实是一种美丽的花卉,又是一味很好的中草药;还是一种繁殖力强,落叶量大的优良水土保持植物。它的花序由无数管状
Stinky peony (Clerodendron bungei) alias short boy, Dahongpao, smelly Babao, Verbenaceae deciduous shrub, because of the strong smell of leaves named. Do not look at its indecent name, in fact, is a beautiful flower, but also a very good Chinese herbal medicine; or a fertile, deciduous good soil and water conservation plants. Its inflorescence by numerous tubular