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1.从你收集到的有关马的资料中选取一则自己最感兴趣的,改写成一个小故事,力求把事情发展的经过叙述清楚,不少于500字。2.以“马,人类无言的朋友”或“马,我为你哭泣”为题写一篇作文,谈谈你在这次活动中的感想,恰当引用一些自己收集的资料,文章应不少于500字。(新人教版)提示:写好题目一重要的是要做到文从字顺,层次清晰,叙述有条理,可以适当加以想象,使故事合情合理,若能给人某种启发,则再好不过。题目二立意选材可不拘一格,表达方式亦不求一致,重要的是要谈出自己的真实感受。可就最打动自己的一点来谈,不必面面俱到,可以加以适当的议论、抒情,但切忌语言平淡、内容空洞,须言之有物,紧扣中心。若能立意高远,独辟蹊径,给人以某种启示,即为上乘之作。(黄祖溢) 1. From the information you have collected on horses, choose one that you are most interested in, and rephrase it as a small story, striving to clarify the development of the matter, with no less than 500 words. 2. Write an essay titled “Ma, Man’s Wordless Friend” or “Ma Wai, I Cry for You.” Talk about your feelings in this activity. Cite some of the information you collected. In 500 words. (Newcomer Version) Tip: To write a good topic, one important thing is to make the text straightforward, the level is clear, the narrative is organized, you can properly imagine it, make the story reasonable, if you can give someone a certain inspiration, then no matter how good but. The second problem is that the choice of material is arbitrary and the mode of expression is not consistent. It is important to talk about their true feelings. You can talk about one thing that touches you the most. You don’t have to cover everything. You can talk about it appropriately and sensationally. But do not use plain language, empty content, and have something to say. If we can set our sights on the ground, we can use our own way and give people some kind of revelation. (Huang Zhaoyi)
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