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一位优秀的教师和艺术家是以他(她)全面的知识修养、画品和人品影响学生的,这种影响有时是直接的,有时是潜移默化的,甚至会影响学生一生的道路。萧淑芳先生就是这样一位老师和艺术家。 我最早接触萧淑芳先生是在1954年。当时我是中央美术学院彩墨画科(1958年改为中国画系)的学生,萧淑芳先生教我们水彩课。我那时入学一年多,没画过水彩,色彩知识几乎等于零。我记得开始的几幅作业是静物写生,萧先生指出我的画不是色彩而是素描,她认真地帮助我去理解对象的亮部与暗部的色彩对比关系,分析不同器物的质感以及色彩的冷暖和调配颜色的方法。她还告诉我水彩颜料中的青莲、柠檬黄和翠绿最好 An excellent teacher and artist influence students with his / her comprehensive knowledge, paintings and personalities. Sometimes this influence is direct, sometimes imperceptible and can even affect the course of his life. Mr. Xiao Shufang is such a teacher and artist. I first contacted Mr. Xiao Shufang in 1954. At that time I was a student at the Central Academy of Fine Arts in Ink Painting (changed to Chinese Painting in 1958). Mr. Xiao Shufang taught us watercolor lessons. I was admitted to school for more than a year, did not draw watercolor, color knowledge is almost equal to zero. I remember the first few homework is still life, Mr. Xiao pointed out that my painting is not a color but a sketch, she conscientiously helped me to understand the color contrast between the bright and dark parts of the object, analyze the texture of different objects and the color of the warm And the deployment of color methods. She also told me that Ching Lin in watercolors, lemon yellow and green is best
1981年6月3日,国家名誉主席宋庆龄的追悼大会在北京人民大会堂隆重举行。当一位年过六旬的老人出现在宋庆龄亲属的行列中时,有人悄声探问:“这位先生是谁?” 他是谁?原来,他