The Effect of Boron on the Properties of Glucomannan: An Experimental and Molecular Dynamics Simulat

来源 :结构化学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:bramkon
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The effect of boron on the properties of Konjac Glucomanan (KGM) has been investigated by the method of experiment and molecular dynamic simulation. Upon analysis, the property and structure of KGM are apt to be affected by boron and structural reasons for property change were discussed. In detail, the addition low concentration borax can increase the systematic inherent viscosity, by contrast, high concentration borax has opposite effect on the viscosity. When adding borax, the micropores on KGM film surface decrease or disappear, leading to more compact and uniform on the film surface. The structure of KGM-Boron complex is described as the coor- dination reaction between KGM and boron. The main reaction points are hydroxyl group on C(6) position of sugar as well as those on C(2) and C(3) positions of mannose with two kinds of com- plexes formation: B-K2 and KB-K. And KB-K mainly consists of g-b-m. The effect of boron on the properties of Konjac Glucomanan (KGM) has been investigated by the method of experiment and molecular dynamic simulation. Upon analysis, the property and structure of KGM are apt to be affected by boron and structural reasons for property change was discussed . In addition, the addition low concentration borax can increase the systematic inherent viscosity, by contrast, high concentration borax has opposite effect on the viscosity. When adding borax, the micropores on KGM film surface decrease or disappear, leading to more compact and uniform on The structure of KGM-Boron complex is described as the coor- dination reaction between KGM and boron. The main reaction points are hydroxyl group on C (6) position of sugar as well on C (2) and C (3) positions of mannose with two kinds of com- plexes formation: B-K2 and KB-K. And KB-K mainly consists of gbm.
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