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文学、艺术和科学作品的创作与传播,及由此产生的版权(著作权)保护,不仅涉及作品创作者——科学家、文学家、诗人、画家、作曲家、剧作家、摄影家、建筑设计师等人和他们的继承人的利益,以及作品传播者——书刊出版者、音像出版者、广播电台、电视台和艺术表演家的利益,也涉及到需要学习知识和欣赏艺术的广大公众的利益,版权的确认、行使转让、限制和对侵权行为的处罚,既是公民、法人民事权利的保护问题,又是国家文化经济政策的体现与实施问题,政府——主要是政府的行政管理部门应当在其中发挥重要作用。从《中华人民共和国著作权法》的起草、通过与实施,到我国加入《伯尔尼保护文学艺术作 The creation and dissemination of literary, artistic and scientific works and the resulting copyright (copyrighted) protection cover not only works of authors-scientists, writers, poets, painters, composers, dramatists, photographers, architects And others and their successors, as well as the interests of book publishers, audiovisual publishers, radio stations, TV stations and artists, as well as the wider public who need to learn knowledge and appreciate the arts, copyright The confirmation and exercise of transfer, restriction and penalties for infringement are not only the protection of citizens 'and legal persons' civil rights, but also the embodiment and implementation of the national cultural and economic policies. The administrative departments of the government, mainly the government, should play an important role effect. From the drafting, adoption and implementation of the “Copyright Law of the People's Republic of China” to our country to join the "Berne protection of literature and art
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