Soil Geochemistry Changes Induced by a Foreign Soil Reconstruction Project in Three Gorges Reservoir

来源 :Journal of Mountain Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wangfc
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Fertile topsoil was added onto the surface of barren slope land in Three Gorges Reservoir region of China in an anthropogenic process known as the foreign soil reconstruction project. The main goal of this paper was to reveal the influence of anthropogenic activities on pedogenic processes and soil classifications. Chemical weathering indices and comparative analysis were applied to discuss changes in geochemical compositions and weathering features of purplish soils(Cambisols) before and after the project. Results showed that:(1) The foreign soil reconstruction project slightly altered the major element composition of topsoil and improved the soil structure. Although the distributions of major elements in the original topsoil, original subsoil, foreign topsoil and newly constructed topsoil were all similar to that in upper continental crust, newly constructed topsoil was the most similar soil.(2) The chemical index of alteration was more sensitive than the weathering index of Parker at indicating chemical weathering status of purplish soil. The chemical weathering status of newly constructed topsoil was higher than that of the original topsoil and lower than that of foreign topsoil.(3) Anthropogenic activities may provide a promising new thought for the anthropogenic soil classification system. The scope and subgroups of Anthrosols should be extended and strengthened. Or there may be a need to combine Anthrosols and Technosols orders to create a new soil order. The results may be used for optimizing soil mellowing engineering activities and enriching the soil classification system. Fertile topsoil was added onto the surface of barren slope land in Three Gorges Reservoir region of China in an anthropogenic process known as the foreign soil reconstruction project. The main goal of this paper was to reveal the influence of anthropogenic activities on pedogenic processes and soil classifications . Chemical weathering indices and comparative analysis were applied to discuss changes in geochemical compositions and weathering features of purplish soils (Cambisols) before and after the project. Results showed that: (1) The foreign soil reconstruction project slightly altered the major element composition of topsoil and improved the soil structure. of the distributions of major elements in the original topsoil, original subsoil, foreign topsoil and newly built topsoil were all similar to that in upper continental crust, newly built topsoil was the most similar soil. (2) The chemical index of alteration was more sensitive than the weathering index of Parker a t indicating chemical weathering status of purplish soil. The chemical weathering status of newly constructed topsoil was higher than that of the original topsoil and lower than that of foreign topsoil. (3) Anthropogenic activities may provide a promising new for the anthropogenic soil classification system The scope and subgroups of Anthrosols should be extended and strengthened. Or there may be a need to combine Anthrosols and Technosols orders to create a new soil order. The results may be used for optimizing soil mellowing engineering activities and enriching the soil classification system.
个 新会环城公社城南大队新建住宅个 新会环城公社城南大队改建住宅个上 兴宁宁新公社横湖新村庄宅/ 阳江嗣坡镁大海畴渔村新住宅占 增城石滩公社新建橘楼式住宅广东农村新住
原该是喝雄黄酒的日子   用艾草装饰门楣的日子   让香囊芬芳衣襟的日子  而那些传统似乎都远去了  只剩下某种绿叶裹成的应景地粮  虽说江上依然有龙舟构成一列风景  唤起对那位独醒独清的诗人的记忆  而他仅仅是记忆  并非榜样    【诗意共赏】  这是一首写端午节的诗。农历五月初五是端午节,又称端阳。端午节最为人们熟知的是伟大诗人屈原的故事。屈原是战国时代的楚国人。他因为救国愿望破灭,极度忧愤