
来源 :湖北大学学报(哲学社会科学版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fenghui111
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近年来,随着文学理论知识的增长以及大众审美文化的兴起,原有文学理论教材的学科范式和思想观念的局限性逐渐显现出来,其对文学文化新现实的隔膜,其意识形态时期的本质主义思维方式,成为学界诟病之所,文学理论要求变革的呼声一浪高过一浪,最典型地表现在近年来的文艺学的边界之争这一学术现象上。于是,如何编写文学理论教材成为学界思考的重要问题。回顾历史方可展望未来,这里,我们以20世纪中国文学理论撰写史中的具有代表性的文本为分析对象,通过对百年文学理论历程的回溯和评论,试图为当前文学理论教材的编写寻求有效资源。本专题所选取的四个文本反映了20世纪现代中国各个时期文学理论的编写旨趣,折射出特定时代的学术文化氛围,这一历史的梳理和评述既展现了中国文学理论的学术进程,其具体的解读也体现了作者的学术个性,我们希望这组文章有助于推进今天文学理论教学和研究的改革。 In recent years, with the increase of literary theory knowledge and the rise of popular aesthetic culture, the limitation of subject paradigm and ideology of the original literary theory textbooks gradually appears. The separation of the new reality of literary culture and the nature of its ideological period The way of thinking has become a criticism of the academic circles. The call for change in literary theory has waved one after another, most typically in the academic phenomenon of the border dispute over literature and art in recent years. So, how to write literary theory textbook has become an important issue for academic thinking. Looking back to the history, we can look forward to the future. Here, we take the representative texts of the 20th century Chinese literary theory as the object of analysis, and through the retrospection and comment on the centennial literary theory, we try to find effective ways to write the current literary theory textbooks Resources. The four texts selected in this topic reflect the writing interest of literary theory in various periods of modern China in the 20th century and reflect the academic and cultural atmosphere in a particular era. The review and comment of this history not only show the academic process of Chinese literary theory, The interpretation also reflects the author’s academic personality, and we hope this series of articles will help to promote today’s literary theory teaching and research reform.
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2015年8月6日,全国包装标准化技术委员会组织相关人员在北京市召开了《包装用拉伸缠绕膜》(计划编号:2012-1079T-BB)行业标准讨论会暨工作组成立会议。   中国包装联合会、中国
我们运用卡洛尔·吉勒根关于以公正为核心的伦理推论的“男性”方式和以关怀为主的“女性”方式的理论 ,读解文学。玛莎·纳斯鲍姆认为一些小说本身便是伦理学著作。她在这类