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今年8月,中国航空工业总公司(AVIC)最高决策层在北京开会,总结航空工业“八五”期间经验教训,研讨制定未来5年中国航空工业发展规划.会议认为,过去几年航空工业虽然取得了很大的发展,航空产品也正在逐步走出低谷,非航空产品上规模、上档次也初露端倪,但企业仍没有解决好全行业的结构调整问题,保证经济持续快速发展的体制和结构尚未形成,技术进步与经济发展结合的路子还没有走开.为此,AVIC决定未来5年中重点做好5件事:一是保证国防建设重点军机研制,二是民用飞机将以“三步走”的计划争取有大的突破,三是继续推进军转民进程,四是全方位推进商贸发展,五是加强科学研究和人才培养.“九五”期间航空工业总资金的投入将比“八五”有大幅度增加,同时加强融资、贷款合作等形式,增加外资利用. In August this year, the highest decision-making level of China Aviation Industry Corporation (AVIC) held a meeting in Beijing to summarize lessons learned during the “August 5th” period of aviation industry and discuss the formulation of a plan for the development of China’s aviation industry in the next five years. The meeting believed that although the aviation industry Great progress has been made, aviation products are gradually coming out of the trough, and the scale and quality of non-aerospace products are beginning to show up. However, enterprises still have not solved the problem of structural adjustment of the entire industry, and the system and structure to ensure sustained and rapid economic development Not yet formed, the combination of technological progress and economic development has not yet come a step. For this reason, AVIC has decided to focus on five things in the next five years: First, to ensure the development of key military aircraft for national defense; second, civil aircraft will be “three steps.” The plan for “going” strives for major breakthroughs. Third, it will continue to advance the process of transferring people to civilians. Fourth, it will promote the development of commerce and trade in all directions. Fifth, it will strengthen scientific research and personnel training. The investment in total aviation industry funds during the Ninth Five-Year Plan period will be higher than The Eighth Five-Year Plan has increased substantially, while at the same time strengthening financing, loan cooperation, etc., and increasing the use of foreign capital.
振奋精神、发挥优势为科学技术新的解放和更大发展作贡献──河北省金属学会第六届基层工作会工作报告河北省金属学会理事长霍英杰1995年4月25日INSPIRINGENTHUSIASMANDEXPLOITINGSUPERIORITYTOPROMOTENEW... Encourage the spirit and give