参赛说明:1.请于下月6日前将答案寄给本刊编辑部赵平收,信封正面贴上本页左下角的参赛标志,答卷请用16开稿纸誊写清楚,并注明你及辅导老师的姓名、通讯地址、联系电话、学校名称. 2.答案于参赛的下月刊登.获奖名单于参赛的下下月刊登,并同时寄出获奖证书及奖品. 3.第13题写得好的同学的短文,将于下下月在本刊讨论交流栏目刊出.
Entry Description: 1. Please send the answer to the editorial department of the journal Zhao Pingzao before the 6th of the next month. Place the front of the envelope with the entry sign in the lower left corner of the page. The answer sheet should be clearly written with 16 script sheets and clearly indicate you and the counselor. Teacher’s name, mailing address, contact telephone number, and school name. 2. Answers will be published in the next month of the competition. The list of winners will be published in the next month of the competition. Certificates and prizes will also be sent at the same time. 3. The 13th question is well written. The essay of the classmates will be published in the discussion and exchange section of this journal next month.