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在西方,有些家庭添了儿女,会在婴儿的摇篮边放一本烫金的亚当·斯密的《国富论》,期望这婴儿成人后是个致富高手。在中国,还没有 一本类似的经典,但中国当代的经济学家们正在创造这样的经典── 要在当代中国推举一门最显要的学科,恐怕非经济学莫属了。当代中国的经济学看上去纷坛缭乱,其实,(依编者的观点)也不过两大派而 已:理想派与现实派。理想派立足物质财富观,凡观察经济行为,皆问其可否增进物质财富,特别注重事情的公平、秩序和最终价值即结果;现 实派立足金融财富观,凡事首求通权达变,获取货币财富就算数,以达观的态度看待事情的过程和代价。这两派经济学,都是中国所需要的。吴 敬琏先生(仍然是编者的观点)可说是理想派之代表。 多亏吴敬琏先生最近几次在大众媒体上露面,也多亏冀文海先生对吴先生的采访,使我们有幸聆听吴先生的亲口说法。──本刊编者 In the West, some families have added their children and put a goldsmith’s Adam Smith’s “Wealth of Nations” on the baby’s cradle, hoping the baby will become a wealthy man after he is an adult. In China, there is not a similar classic yet, but contemporary Chinese economists are creating such a classic-non-economics is the answer to one of the most prominent disciplines in contemporary China. In fact, the economics of contemporary China looks confusing. In fact, according to the editors’ point of view, there are but two major factions: the idealist and the realist. Idealistic based on the concept of material wealth, where observed economic behavior, are asked whether it can enhance the material wealth, with particular emphasis on the fairness of things, the order and the ultimate value that is the result; reality based on the concept of financial wealth, everything changed, access to money Even if the number of wealth, with a view of the attitude of the process and the cost of things. Both schools of economics are needed by China. Mr. Wu Jinglian (still an editor’s point of view) is arguably the idealist representative. Thanks to Mr. Wu Jing-kui’s recent appearances in the mass media, thanks to Mr. Ji Wenhai’s interview with Mr. Wu, we are fortunate enough to listen to Mr. Wu’s personal statement. ─ ─ Journal editor
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