“获奖是一种肯定,但不是终点” 奖杯就是对AAC艺术中国最好的寄语——范姜明道访谈

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由雅昌艺术网发起,近百家媒体响应的“第四届AAC艺术中国·年度影响力评选(2009)颁奖盛典”即将于4月23日在中央美术学院美术馆举行。该活动的筹备工作正紧锣密鼓地进行着,继活动Logo、主题及评委名单的发布、终评会的召开,日前,活动奖杯的雏形也已新鲜出炉。此次奖杯的设计者是当代艺术家范姜明道,他将“第四届AAC艺术中国·年度影响力评选(2009)”力求彰显艺术先行者、关注公益的精神与深切情怀融入奖杯的设计之中。作为中国当代艺术的重要成员之一,范姜明道的作品具有贴近生活的特质,同时包含着对于自然与人文的关切。藉由此次访谈,范姜明道与读者分享奖杯的设计思路、包含的寓意以及他几十年来艺术创作的历程。 Sponsored by Artron.com, “The 4th AAC Art China Annual Influencing Appraisal (2009) Awards Ceremony,” sponsored by nearly 100 media, will be held at the Art Museum of the Central Academy of Fine Arts on April 23rd. The preparatory work for the event is in full swing. Following the announcement of the activity Logo, the theme and the list of judges, the holding of the final comment meeting, the prototype of the event trophy has recently been freshly released. The winner of the trophy is contemporary artist Fan Jiangmingdao. He will try his best to highlight the pioneer of art, pay attention to the spirit of public welfare and deep feelings in the design of the trophy in. As one of the important members of Chinese contemporary art, Fan Jiangming’s works are close to the characteristics of life, at the same time, they contain the concerns of nature and humanity. With this interview, Fan Jiangming Road shared with readers the design concept of trophies, including the moral and his decades of artistic creation.
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