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“两学一做”学习教育是推动党内教育从“关键少数”向广大党员拓展、从集中性教育向经常性教育延伸的重要举措,是加强党的思想政治建设的重要部署。为贯彻落实党的十八届六中全会精神,持续推动全面从严治党突出“关键少数”并向基层延伸,中央就推进“两学一做”学习教育常态化制度化提出了意见。4月16日,中央召开了推进“两学一做”学习教育常态化制度化工作座谈会,习近平总书记作出了重要指示。 “Learning from Two to Doing One” is an Important Measure to Promote the Development of Inner-Party Education from “Key Minorities” to the Extensive Party Members and from Extension of Concentrated Education to Regular Education, and It Is an Important Deployment to Strengthen the Ideological and Political Construction of the Party . In order to implement the spirit of the 6th Plenary Session of the 18th Central Committee of the Party, continue to promote the all-round solemn rule of the party and highlight the “key minority” and extend it to the grassroots level, the Central Government has put forward the institutionalization of normalizing the study and education of “two studies and one education” Opinion On April 16, the Central Government held a symposium on pushing forward the “normalization and institutionalization of learning and education in two schools and one teaching”, and General Secretary Xi Jinping made important instructions.
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为了探索包覆型材的挤压规律和研究制定其参数的计算方法,把考虑基体材料和包覆材料强度性能的各种因素,以及影响包覆层在型 In order to explore the rule of extrusion o
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本文是《强余震的时间分布特征及其理论解释》(地球物理学报,1979年1期)的继续。文中分析了我国11个强震的余震序列,结果表明,强余震的空间分布有以下特点: 1.强余震的平面分