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根据第十一届亚洲运动会组委会的有关通知要求,我院工艺系与全国几所主要艺术院校均组织参加了亚运会宣传画的创作竞赛活动。在院领导、科研行政部门及省美协、省体委的大力支持和协助下,全系师生团结一致,历时近两个月的艰苦努力,完成了二十余件作品。这些作品送北京后,经过组委会和专家的评审,入选和获奖数双列参赛院校之首,为我系教学与创作实践相结合提供可贵的经验。 这次竞赛活动所以能取得较好的成绩,首先在于狠抓师生的思想教育,强调亚运会宣传画的创作是为了宣传“团结、友谊、进步”,反映改革开放后我国的体育面貌和中国人民对亚洲人民的友好情谊。所以在创作过程中,师生们满怀激情,互相协作,将自己的系统知识和专业技能尽情地倾注在画面之中。与以往的创作相比,效果有较大的提高。 According to the notification requirements of the Organizing Committee of the 11th Asian Games, the art department of our college and several major art colleges and institutes all over the country have organized the creative contest for the Asian Games posters. With the strong support and assistance from the leadership of the hospital, the scientific research administrative department, the Provincial Academy of Beauty and the Provincial Sports Commission, teachers and students of the entire department unite as one and perform over 20 pieces of work with the hard work of nearly two months. After these works were sent to Beijing, after being judged by the Organizing Committee and experts, they were selected and won first in the list of participating colleges and universities. They provided valuable experience for the combination of teaching and creative practice. Therefore, the competition can achieve better results. First of all, we should pay close attention to the ideological education of teachers and students and emphasize the creation of the Asian Games posters in order to promote “unity, friendship and progress,” and reflect the sports outlook of China after the reform and opening up and China Friendly friendship between people and Asian people. Therefore, in the creative process, teachers and students are passionate and cooperate with each other, pouring their own system knowledge and professional skills into the picture. Compared with the previous creation, the effect has been greatly improved.