
来源 :机械工人(热加工) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fangfang200805
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2007年3月初,第一批“第二届热处理装备用户调查表”发出后,得到了业内广大读者的积极响应。从陆续反馈回来的调查表上可以明显地反应出行业发展的某些动向和问题。主要表现在两个方面:第一,感应加热、真空热处理等节能、环保技术在热处理加工企业中得到了进一步的推广和应用。第二,热处理装备属于特种设备,有不少易损件。随着科技的进步,热处理装备也越来越精密、复杂。这一方面对用户企业的操作、维护和保养提出了很高的要求;另一方面也对设备厂家产品质量、性能先进性和售后服务提出了更高的要求。为进一步了解热处理装备用户企业对产品和服务的真实需求和感受,褒扬在节能、环保方面有着良好口碑的部分企业,本期特设立“节能、环保技术:热处理行业可持续发展的保证”的专题讨论。本次讨论,主要针对调查表中所反映出的情况,邀请参与本次调查活动的部分用户企业代表,以及部分热处理装备厂家及其用户共同展开讨论。借此使供需双方进一步加深了解,为行业今后的进步和健康发展提供有益的参考。 In early March 2007, the first “second heat treatment equipment user survey” was issued, the industry has received the positive response of readers. Feedback from the questionnaire one after another on the development of the industry can clearly reflect some of the trends and problems. Mainly in two aspects: First, induction heating, vacuum heat treatment and other energy-saving, environmental protection technology in heat treatment processing enterprises have been further promotion and application. Second, heat treatment equipment is a special equipment, there are a lot of wearing parts. As technology advances, heat treatment equipment is also more sophisticated and complex. On the one hand the user’s business operation, maintenance and maintenance made a very high demand; the other hand, equipment manufacturers product quality, advanced performance and after-sales service put forward higher requirements. In order to further understand the real needs and feelings of users of heat treatment equipment enterprises on products and services and praise some enterprises that have good reputation in energy saving and environmental protection, this issue sets up the special topic of “Energy Conservation and Environmental Protection Technology: Guarantee of Sustainable Development in Heat Treatment Industry” discuss. This discussion, mainly for the survey reflected in the case, invited to participate in this survey, part of the user business representatives, as well as some heat treatment equipment manufacturers and their users together to discuss. In this way, both the supply and demand sides can deepen their understanding and provide useful reference for the progress and healthy development of the industry in the future.
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本报讯记者耿军报道1月初获悉,东软软件股份有限公司在京宣布了对其高端企业管理解决方案——集团财务管理系统(M P C)进行全面升级。升级后的版本包括了面向国际化竞争的集
企业类型计算机。IBM,即International Business Machine Corporation,国际商业机器公司,成立于1914年,截止2002年底拥有雇员315889人,总资产965亿美元,是全球最大的IT公司。