
来源 :厦门特区党校学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ch3
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随着城市经济社会发展的不断深入,城市的社会生活和管理体制正发生着深刻的变革。首先,现代产业制度的建立,使企业作为社会经济细胞的功能愈加突出。其次,产业结构调整推进城市化进程,大量农村人口涌入城市,加之个体经济、私营经济的从业人员数量激增,都使得城市基层人口管理和服务问题日益复杂,要求社区治理的全面启动。再次,政府机构改革和职能调整对社区治理也提出新要求。目前,城市建设与社会发展进程加快,城市社区正日益成为诸多问题的聚集区,社区治理在国家治理中的独特地位日益为管理层所关注。本文从两个层次来定义社区问题。一是社区内部的建设与发展,二是社区在城市建设与发展中的利益表达。针对这两类问题,应通过完善社区的权力结构,重构社区居民利益表达渠道,加大对社区发展的资源扶持力度等三种途径来实现对社区的有效治理,从而达到既注重社会公正又兼顾治理效率的目标。 With the deepening of urban economic and social development, profound changes are taking place in urban social life and management system. First of all, the establishment of a modern industrial system has made the enterprise more and more prominent as a social and economic cell. Second, the adjustment of industrial structure to promote urbanization, a large number of rural population into the city, combined with the individual economy, private economy, the surge in the number of practitioners, making the urban grassroots population management and service issues are increasingly complex, requiring the full launch of community governance. Third, the reform of government agencies and the adjustment of functions have also put forward new requirements on community governance. At present, the process of urban construction and social development is accelerating. Urban communities are increasingly becoming a gathering area for many problems. The unique position of community governance in state governance is increasingly paying attention to management. This article defines community issues at two levels. First, the construction and development of the community, and second, the interests of the community in urban construction and development. In response to these two problems, we should achieve effective management of the community by improving the power structure of the community, rebuilding the channel for the expression of interests of community residents, and increasing the resources for community development so as to achieve the goal of not only paying attention to social justice Take into account the efficiency of governance objectives.
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