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11月17日下午,本刊编委会邀集新疆新闻界部分人士座谈新闻改革问题。会上发言和插话的共有13人,另有7人递交了书面发言。发言内容摘编如下。十三大指明了新闻改革方向王思华(座谈会主持人)近年来新闻改革取得了很大战绩。此如说,政冶透明度大了,人大会议、十三大的记者招待会的报道都说明了这一点。新闻传播媒介更接近群众,抓了住房、物价、婚姻家庭等问题,新闻发挥了社会渠道的作用。再是批评性报道增多了,对话式新闻、连续报道、系列报道都出现了,还重视了新闻时效等等。尽管如此,对照十三大要求,还是不够。赵紫阳同志明确提出要建立社会协商对话制度,指出新闻是一条渠道; On the afternoon of November 17, Editorial Editorial Committee invited some people in the press in Xinjiang to discuss news reform issues. A total of 13 speakers and interlocutors were present at the meeting, and seven others submitted written statements. Excerpts from the speech are as follows. The 13th CPC National Congress pointed out the direction of news reform Wang Sihua (Symposium Moderator) In recent years, the news reform has made great achievements. In this case, the transparency of the government is great, and the NPC and the 13th National People’s Congress press conference all illustrate this point. News media are closer to the masses, grasping housing, prices, marriage and family issues, news has played a social channel. And then there was an increase in critical reports. Dialogue news, continuous reports, series of reports all came out, and news coverage was also emphasized. In spite of this, the 13 major requirements are not enough. Comrade Zhao Ziyang explicitly proposed the establishment of a social consultation and dialogue system, pointing out that news is a channel;
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