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“太极十三势者:掤捋挤按采挒肘靠进退顾盼定也。掤捋挤按,即坎离震兑四正方也;采挒肘靠,即乾坤艮巽四斜角也;此八卦也。进步、退步、左顾、右盼、中定,即金木水火土也,此五行也。合而言之,曰十三势。”凡练习太极拳者都将这段话熟记于心。按照上文的说法,掤捋挤按是“四正”的方向,即东南西北;采挒肘靠是“四隅”,也就是东南、东北、西南、西北的四个方向。“进退顾盼定”是前后左右中五个方向,取的是东木,南火、西金、北水和中土之义。前八字暗含八卦的八方,后五字则合五行之数, 共为十三势。以上是比较普遍承认的 “Thirteen thirteen potential Taiji: 掤 捋 squeeze by mining elbow rely on the retreat hope hope also. 掤 捋 squeeze by pressing, that is, from the quake against the four square also; elbow by the elbow, that heaven and earth Burgundy four bevel angle also; this gossip Also progress, regress, left care, right hope, in the set, that is, Kinmen and Matsu also, the five elements also. In short, said thirteen potential. ”Those who practice Taijiquan will remember this passage in mind . According to the above statement, Xunzi squeeze press is the “four positive” direction, that is, southeast northwest; mining elbow is “four corners”, that is, southeast, northeast, southwest and northwest of the four directions. “Advance and retreat hope” is about five directions around, taking the East Wood, South Fire, West gold, North Water and earth meaning. The first eight characters imply gossip, the latter five characters is the sum of five elements, a total of 13 potential. The above is more generally recognized
A direction related polarizer (DRP) was used in a laser cavity to eliminate spatial hole burning of gain medium in a bidirectional Er-doped fiber ring laser. A
本文介绍了金矿床周围气晕的成因类型。在两个矿区进行的壤中CO_2气体测量表明,其异常可圈定含矿或导矿构造,为找金矿提供信息。 This article describes the causes of gas
到2008年1月23日,孙师常叙先生离开我们已经整整14个年头了,但先生毕生辛勤开拓,所创造的学术财富却仍留在我们身边,使后来者从中获得无尽的借鉴和启迪。本文仅就其在古文 B
As for single mode symmetric step refractive index structure dielectric planar optical waveguide, when its output end is restricted, the diffractive field distr