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引言《窥园图记》是乾隆年间的著名学者王鸣盛为经学家费玉衡《窥园图》所作的题记。记文由王鸣盛口占、江声篆书并作附记。民国年间,图、记分散,而《窥园图记》为沈兼士先生所得,分请当时流寓或定居北京的学者题跋留念。图画明志是中国文人表达志向、陶冶性情的传统方式,因之而产生的大量题跋,又体现了文人群体之间的学术交游。《窥园图》引用汉代大儒董仲舒的典故,表达乾嘉学者修养身心的意愿,因此在当时不仅王鸣盛、江声有此题记,钱大昕同样也题诗唱酬。这些作品以一种优雅、闲适的形式反映了乾嘉学者在严肃的著述之馀生动的学术情趣。此后民国学人的题跋,无疑又是对清代学术风 Introduction “Glimpse of Park Glimpse” is a famous scholar of Qianlong years, Wang Ming-sheng Fei Yuheng by the scholar “glimpse of the Garden” made the inscription. Note by Wang Mingsheng mouth, Jiang Sheng seal book and attached note. In the period of the Republic of China, the figures and the records were scattered while the “Glimpse of the Garden Picture” was obtained by Mr. Shen and his colleagues, asking for scholars who abdicated or settled in Beijing at that time. Mingzhi is a traditional way for Chinese literators to express ambition and cultivate their temperament. As a result, a large number of inscriptions and postscripts have also reflected the academic exchanges among literati groups. “Glimpse of the Garden” refers to the story of Dong Zhongshu, a great Confucianist in the Han Dynasty, which expresses the willingness of cadres and scholars to cultivate their body and mind. Therefore, not only did Wang Mingsheng and Jiang Sheng have this inscription at the time, but Qian Daxin also made his poem. These works reflect, in a graceful and leisurely form, the vivid academic interest of Qian-Jia scholars in the serious writings. Since then, the inscriptions of the scholars of the Republic of China have undoubtedly been the academic style of the Qing Dynasty
河岳英灵集二卷 (唐)殷璠辑宋刻本清莫友芝校.框高十六·九厘米,宽十二·八厘米.每半叶十行,行十八字,白口,左右双边.