Application of Proteomics to Cancer Molecular Diagnostics

来源 :中国肺癌杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:huangli_java
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Strategies to achieve personalized medicine and improve public health encompass assessment of an individuals risk for disease, early detection and molecular classification of disease resulting in an informed choice of the most appropriate treatment instituted at an early stage of disease develop- ment. A major contribution of proteomics in this field is the development of blood based tests to achieve the goals of personalized medicine.
心肌致密化不全(Noncompaction of the Ventric- ular Myocardium,NVM)是一种少见的心室肌异常,一直以来,许多学者将其归类为未定型心肌病而进行研究,2006年3月美国心脏病协
Background: Our previous studies have proved that nm23-Hl gene was a tumor metastatic suppressive gene, tumor metastasis phenotype of human lung cancer could be
我院自1993~1996年收治宫颈癌放疗患者915人,在放疗过程中32例并发宫腔积脓,占放疗总数的3.5%。经局部抗炎、引流等治疗后均获得治愈,并完成放疗疗程。现报告如下。1 临床资料
Breast cancers frequently metastasize to bone, a site of hypoxia and high concentrations of active TGFβ. Skeletal metastases involve interactions between tumor
Her research is focused on understanding the mechanisms of tumour progression and metastasis, particularly in uro-logical carcinomas (bladder and prostate). Tum
Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) represents an extremely poor prognos-tic cancer, which is mainly due to the high frequency of metastasis/recur-rence after surgic
目的 研究喂养指数、角膜内皮细胞密度及父母生育特征与婴幼儿生长发育的关系.方法 随机整群抽取宝鸡市0~3岁婴幼儿409例,于2017年1-9月对所有婴幼儿进行体格检查和智力筛查,
目的 了解和分析濮阳市医用常规X射线诊断设备影像质量控制现状,为提高医用常规X射线诊断设备水平和卫生行政执法监督提供依据.方法 按照《医用常规X射线诊断设备影像质量控