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一、中国企业股份制的性质社会主义股份制企业作为一种生产组织形式受占统治地位的生产方式制约,它不仅具有一般股份制的特性,而且具有支配它存在的社会主导经济方式的属性。有的同志认为,在全民所有制企业中渗入不同的股权主体,会改变国家所有权的基本性质,因此,不宜提倡和实行股份制。其实实行股份制是对所有权的一种确认和界定,只有首先在确认和界定所有权的前提下才能实行股份制。股份制作为适应商品经济和社会化生产的组织形式,其自身并没有特定的社会属性。判定具体股份制的社会性质,要看其中各种经济成份所占的比重。由于各种原因,在社会主义阶段,不同的经济成份长期并存,相互补充, I. The nature of the joint-stock system of Chinese enterprises As a form of production organization, a socialist joint-stock enterprise is constrained by a dominant production mode. It not only has the characteristics of a general shareholding system, but also possesses the attributes of the dominant social economic model that govern its existence. Some comrades believe that infiltrating different ownership entities in state-owned enterprises will change the basic nature of state ownership. Therefore, it is not advisable to promote and implement a shareholding system. In fact, the implementation of the shareholding system is a confirmation and definition of ownership. Only when the ownership is confirmed and defined, can the shareholding system be implemented first. In order to adapt to the organizational form of commodity economy and socialized production, stock production does not have its own social attributes. Determining the social nature of a specific shareholding system depends on the proportion of various economic components. For various reasons, at the stage of socialism, different economic components coexist for a long time and complement each other.
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短短一周内,我先后参加了北京华夏女中《校 本课程开发的实验研究》课题结题和专为英国伊顿 公学校长来京组织的中英校长论坛。两所学校的教 育对象都是13岁到18岁的中学生,
在乔治的记忆中,父亲一直 就是瘸着一条腿走路的,他的一 切都平淡无奇。所以,他总是想母 亲怎么会和这样一个人结婚呢? 他总觉得,父亲那条瘸腿,带 给自己的是耻辱。 一次市里