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当前,我们的社会主义事业正处在承前启后、继往开来的重要历史时期。在中国即将跨入21世纪的关键时刻,在社会主义市场经济的特殊环境中,在面临西方敌对势力对我实行“西化”、“分化”的严峻形势下,军队院校如何按照邓小平同志的要求培养和造就无产阶级革命事业的接班人,是关系到军校办学方向的根本问题。在这方面,第四军医大学取得了显著的成绩。他们坚持把培养政治上合格的人才放在学校育人工作的首位,帮助学员树立正确的人生观、价值观,先后培养了被中央军委授予“富于理想、勇于献身的优秀大学生”称号的张华,被中宣部、国家教委、总政治部和团中央授予“华山抢险战斗集体”称号的第二、三大队,以及被中宣部、国家教委、总政治部、总后勤部、团中央联合宣传的“发奋学习、报国为民”优秀大学生群体。对第四军医大学的育人经验从理论上进行研究和探讨,对于贯彻落实 At present, our cause of socialism is in an important historical period that is inheriting the past and inheriting the past. At the crucial moment when China is about to enter the 21st century, under the special circumstances of the socialist market economy and under the grim situation of “Westernization” and “division” imposed by the hostile forces of the West, how military colleges and universities follow the requirements of Comrade Deng Xiaoping The successors to cultivate and bring about the proletarian revolutionary cause are the fundamental issues that are related to the direction of running a military academy. In this regard, the Fourth Military Medical University has made remarkable achievements. They insisted on cultivating politically qualified personnel to be the first place in school education and helping students establish a correct outlook on life and values. Zhang Hua, who was awarded the title of “Outstanding College Student with Ideal and Virtue of Honor,” was awarded by the Central Military Commission , The second and third brigades awarded by the Central Propaganda Department, the State Education Commission, the General Political Department and the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League for the title of “Huashan rescue and fighting collective”, and the third and fourth brigades jointly named by the Central Propaganda Department, the State Education Commission, the General Political Department, the General Logistics Department, Promote the “studious learning, serving the country” outstanding college students. The fourth military medical education experience in theory from the research and discussion for the implementation
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肾球旁细胞瘤(juytaglomerular cell tumor ofthe kidney,JGCT)是罕见的肾实质良性肿瘤,主要见于年轻人,其临床表现为严重的高血压、高血浆肾素、继发性醛固酮增多和低血钾。