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最近,高考改革又成了最热门的话题。1月3日出版的《学习时报》上,教育部部长袁贵仁撰文透露了下一步高考改革的思路。1月8日,媒体报道称教育部近期确定高考改革方案,部分科目一年多考。随后,教育部发言人称教育部并未对外公布所谓的“高考改革方案”。这表明,尽管教育部门已经理清了高考改革的思路,但具体的方案和改革路线图仍然难产。这又从一个侧面说明了高考改革之难。笔者认为,除了体制因素外,影响高考改革的其实还有深刻的社会文化心理。由于中国人长期生活在缺少社会公平正义的环境中,因此就更迷恋以公平公正为理想特征的考试,形成了一种历久弥深的“恋考情结”。这一深刻的民族文化心理,对高考改革的推进也产生着重要的影响,甚至阻碍着高考改革的进程,应予高度重视。具体说来,可归结为以下四种。 Recently, the college entrance examination reform has become the hottest topic. January 3, published in the “Study Times”, Ministry of Education Yuan Guiren author disclosed the idea of ​​the next college entrance examination reform. January 8, the media reported that the Ministry of Education recently decided to reform the college entrance examination, some subjects more than a year test. Subsequently, a Ministry of Education spokesman said the Ministry of Education did not announce the so-called “college entrance examination reform program.” This shows that although the education department has cleared the train of thought for the reform of the college entrance examination, the specific programs and the reform roadmap remain unproductive. This illustrates another aspect of the difficult college entrance examination reform. In my opinion, in addition to institutional factors, the impact of college entrance examination reform in fact, there are profound social and cultural psychology. Because Chinese people live in an environment lacking social fairness and justice for a long period of time, they are even more obsessed with exams characterized by fairness and justice and have formed a long-standing “love ” test. This profound national and cultural psychology also exerts an important influence on the progress of the entrance examination reform and even hinder the process of the college entrance examination reform, which should be given high priority. Specifically, can be attributed to the following four.
摘要:采用有效的教学方法,提高教学质量,是每个教育者的根本目标。有效教学是指遵循教学活动的客观规律,以尽可能少的时间、精力、物力投入,取得尽可能多的教学效果。然而传统的教学方法和观念使得教师课堂上讲的辛苦,学生听着费劲,提高课堂教学的有效性已成为教学改革的关键问题之一。本文通过初中化学教学中创新意识的培养和初中化学新课程教学的几点体会来阐述初中化学课堂的有效性教学。  关键字:课堂教学;有效性教学
当前学校教育正在全面推行素质教育,体育作为教育的重要组成部分,既是素质教育的重要内容,又是实施素质教育的重要手段,具有其他学科不可代替的作用。 At present, school e
记忆如同一个平静的湖面,只是吹过一丝微风,湖面就会荡起一圈圈的涟漪。就像一个套了许多把锁的盒子,在不经意间被打开,里面满是陈旧的回忆。一个露台,屹立在学校的最 Memor