
来源 :华南理工大学学报(自然科学版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:theonezhaoq
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根据侧移土中桩的Poulos理论编制电算程序,用以求得澳门南方大厦基坑开挖中软土流动形成的曲桩侧向位移与弯矩分布。将最大计算弯矩与分析现场曲桩载荷试验以及实验室测定的桩段破坏弯矩所得的极限弯矩相比较,从而作出曲桩折断判据。曲桩竖向承载力分析程序是按处于弹性介质中的曲梁微分方程(以差分形式表示)编制的;介质中的水平力引起某点的水平位移由Mindlin方程给出。以荷载传递法调配得到出事桩基中各类基桩的荷载-沉降曲线后,根据非线性的群桩整体分析选定桩基加固的补救性措施。 According to the Poulos theory of piles in laterally moving soils, a computer program was developed to obtain the lateral displacement and bending moment distribution of the flexural piles formed during the excavation of the foundation pit in the South Tower of Macau. The bending moment of the bending pile was calculated by comparing the maximum calculated bending moment with the bending moment obtained from the analysis of the bending load test in the field and the failure moment of the pile in the laboratory. The analysis program for the vertical bearing capacity of curved piles is based on the curved beam differential equation (in differential form) in the elastic medium. The horizontal displacement caused by the horizontal force in the medium is given by the Mindlin equation. After the load-settlement curve of all kinds of foundation piles in the accident pile foundation was obtained by load transfer method, the remedial measures for the reinforcement of the pile foundation were selected according to the nonlinear integral analysis of the pile group.
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我和朋友茜茜到北京参加绘画比赛。比赛大厅里坐着来自祖国各地的选手,安静极了。“你紧张吗?”我小声地问茜茜。“还好。”茜茜小声地回答。  我打了一桶水,拧开各种颜色的颜料瓶,叠好抹布,放好画板,做好准备工作。  比赛开始了。我用铅笔勾勒花瓶的轮廓,总感觉画得不够好,修改了好几遍才满意。我拿起毛笔蘸了点土黄、柠檬黄和白色的颜料,开始画天空。苏老师说过,这种画,颜料不能调“死”。意思就是说,不能变成一种
期末语文考试就要开始了。考试前几分钟,我和其他同学一样,哗哗地翻书,嘴里叽里咕噜念个不停,生怕自己遗忘什么内容。我的耳边总是响起爸爸妈妈充满期待的声音:考好一点啊!  考试开始了,我“恋恋不舍”地收拾好书本。白花花的卷子像波浪一样涌来,我的心跳在加速,像越敲越响的小鼓:“咚咚、咚咚、咚咚……”  我颤抖着写下自己的名字。我的眼前朦胧地出现一团灰白,这团灰白越来越亮,越变越大,延伸成一个无边无际的平
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