重要言论 实行综合治理 提高防御洪涝灾害能力

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实行综合治理 提高防御洪涝灾害能力 温家宝在关于当前全国抗洪抢险情况的报告中说,加强水利建设,实行综合治理,从根本上防治洪涝灾害,是亟待解决的重大问题。第一,增强水患意识,加大水利建设。要提高认识,统一思想,增强水患意识,调整基本建设投资结构,增加水利建设投资,实行综合治理,从根本上提高抗御洪涝灾害的能力。这是我国的一项长期任务,也是安民兴邦的一件大事。最近,国务院已就水利建设工作作出部署,大幅度增加投入,以保证水利和环境建设需要。按照全面规划、统筹兼顾、标本兼治、综合治理的原则,搞好水利建设规划,提高大江大河大湖防洪标准,增强全流域的整体防洪能力。水利建设要贯彻开源与节流并重的方针,既要考虑防洪排涝的需要,又要考虑蓄水抗旱的需要,把两者有机地结合起来,真正变水害为水利。第二,植树造林,治理水土流失,改善生态环境。按照《全 Implementing Comprehensive Governance to Improve Flood Prevention Capability Wen Jiabao said in his report on the current situation of flood fighting and rescue in the whole country that strengthening water conservancy construction, implementing comprehensive management and fundamentally preventing and controlling flood and flood disasters is a major issue that needs urgent solution. First, increase awareness of flooding and increase water conservancy construction. It is necessary to raise awareness, unify our thinking, increase awareness of floods, adjust the capital investment structure, increase the investment in water conservancy projects and implement comprehensive management to fundamentally improve our ability to resist floods and water disasters. This is a long-term task for our country and an important event for peace and rejuvenation. Recently, the State Council has made arrangements for water conservancy construction work, greatly increasing its investment to ensure the needs of water conservancy and environmental construction. In accordance with the principle of comprehensive planning, overall planning, tackling the problem and treating all things in an all-round way, water conservancy construction plans should be improved to raise flood control standards for major rivers and major rivers and to enhance the overall flood control capability of the whole river basin. Water conservancy construction to implement the principle of equal emphasis on revenue and expenditure, we must consider the need of flood control and drainage, but also consider the need of water and drought, the two organically combined, the real water change into water. Second, afforestation, soil erosion control, improve the ecological environment. According to "all
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《美國国家地理》日前公布了2016年度最佳照片。这52张照片从2300万张照片中脱颖而出。这里只是一些最日常的姿态,却能陪我们探索地球奥秘,带我们到一些此前从未去过的地方,去发现自然之美,去探寻世界之妙,去解读人性之真。去认识除了人类,地球上还生活着其他生物,或在陆地,或在水底,我们同样应该给予它们关注。  本刊精选其中的23张照片,为你提供视角别致的一组作文素材。既为趣味,更为思索;亦为欣赏世界
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