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中国人民对世界科技文化史的巨大贡献之一,是印刷术的发明和传播。它象一颗熠熠闪光的明星,照耀着人类社会在文明时代的征程上,扬鞭飞马,驰骋奔腾。因此中外学者,无不对中国人民这一高度智慧的结晶,推崇备至,著书称颂。卡特(T·F·Carter)所著《中国印刷术的发明及其西传》,张秀民先生的《中国印刷术的发明及其影响》,孙毓修先生的《中国雕板源流考》,均系举世闻名的代表作。然而中国雕板印刷究竟肇始于何时,世界现存最早的印刷品当推何件,各家著述却莫衷一是。拙作《中国雕板印刷发明年代辨误》(载《历史教学》1980年第4期),对于主张清代始有雕印品的文献记载和实物原件,已作过考辨,姑不赘言。而佐证唐朝初期(即七世纪初)已有雕板印刷术的记述,则尚无人综合考核, One of the great contributions made by the Chinese people to the history of science and technology in the world is the invention and dissemination of printing. It is like a shining star, shining human society in the journey of civilization era, whipping horse, gallop Pentium. Therefore, both Chinese and foreign scholars alike have praised the Chinese people for their wisdom and wisdom. The invention of Chinese typography and its western tradition by T.F. Carter, the invention of Chinese typography and its influence by Mr. Zhang Xiumin, and the test of origin and origin of Chinese engraving by Mr. Sun Yuxiu Famous masterpiece. However, what exactly is the beginning of China’s engraving printing, the world’s earliest printed matter when pushing what, the various writings are mixed. My book, “China’s engraving plate eradicates the invention of the error” (containing “history teaching” in 1980 the fourth period), advocating the beginning of the Qing Dynasty engraved printed literature and physical originals, has made a test, do not go without saying. The corroboration of the early Tang Dynasty (ie, the beginning of the seventh century) engraving plate has been described, there is no comprehensive assessment,
《辞海》“鼎”条释义:“①古代炊器”;“②古代以为立国的重器”……似有不足。古鼎还应有两个义项:一是礼器,用以祭祀日月、天地、山川、鬼神(祖先),如河南安阳出土的“司母戊鼎”和“司母辛鼎”就是殷商时期商王为祭母而铸造的;二是铭鼎,用以铭文记事、号令征伐、颂功扬德,如道光年间在陕西出土的“大盂鼎”,及“小盂鼎”、“令鼎”等。  祭祀用鼎和铭鼎既非古代炊器,也非立国重器,所以应另立为两个义项。
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1985 is the last year of “The Sixth Five-Year Plan” period, which saw great progress in mining science and technology as well as in scientific management and
晚上,我独个儿坐在院子里,仰望天空。一轮弯月嵌在天上,像一只小渔船向地上撒下神秘的网——轻纱般朦胧的月光。一颗颗稀稀疏疏的星星,仿佛是藏在纱后的很多小朋友。 In the
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