Reductive Cleavage of the Te-Te Bond in Diphenyl Ditelluride by the Sm/CrCl_3(cat.) System: Preparat

来源 :Chinese Journal of Chemistry | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:justmxx
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The reduction of diphenyl ditelluride by the Sm/CrCl 3(cat.) system led to a telluride anion. This species reacted with acid chlorides, alkyl halides, and α,β unsaturated enoates or α,β unsaturated ene nitriles to afford telluroesters and unsymmetrical phenyltellurides, respectively, in moderate to good yields under mild and neutral conditions. The reduction of diphenyl ditelluride by the Sm / CrCl 3 (cat.) System led to a telluride anion. This species reacted with acid chlorides, alkyl halides, and α, β unsaturated enoates or α, β unsaturated ene nitriles to allow telluroesters and unsymmetrical phenyltellurides, respectively, in moderate to good yields under mild and neutral conditions.
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