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在第30个教师节即将来临之际,中国教科文卫体工会于8月4日至10日在全总北戴河疗养院组织开展全国教育系统劳模休养活动,并召开了庆祝教师节暨全国教育系统劳模座谈会,举办了《教育领域深化改革的形势和任务》专题辅导报告会。中国教科文卫体工会主席万明东,教育部教师工作司副司长葛振江,中国教科文卫体工会副主席陈志标、副巡视员袁茂清出席座谈会。在5日下午召开的座谈会上,6位劳模代表做了发言。其中有倾心关心农村留守儿童教育的最美乡村教师陈万霞、28年如一日给残疾儿童撑起一片天空的全国十 On the eve of the 30th Teacher’s Day, the Chinese Guardian Union of Health, Human Services and Science held a national education system model recuperation activity in the Beidaihe Sanatorium of the entire nation from August 4 to August 10, and held a celebration of Teacher’s Day and model workers in the national education system In the forum, a special counseling seminar on “the situation and tasks for deepening reform in the field of education” was held. Van Myung-Dong, chairman of the Chinese Health, Culture and Sports Union, Ge Zhenjiang, deputy director of the Teachers’ Work Department of the Ministry of Education, Chen Zhi-bei, vice chairman of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and Yuan Maoqing, deputy inspector attended the forum. At the forum held on the afternoon of the 5th, six workers model workers made speeches. Among them, Chen Wanxia, ​​the most beautiful country teacher who cares about the education of left-behind children in rural areas, has ten national days to prop up children with disabilities in 28 years
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