Molecular evolution of the rice miR395 gene family

来源 :Cell Research | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dangyuanq4
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MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are 20-22 nucleotide non-coding RNAs that play important roles in plant and animal development. They are usually processed from larger precursors that can form stem-loop structures. Among 20 miRNA families that are conserved between Arabidopsis and rice, the rice miR395 gene family was unique because it was organized into compact clusters that could be transcribed as one single transcript. We show here that in fact this family had four clusters of total 24 genes. Three of these clusters were segmental duplications. They contained miR395 genes of both 120 bp and 66 bp long. However, only the latter was repeatedly duplicated. The fourth cluster contained miR395 genes of two different sizes that could be the consequences of intergenic recombination of genes from the first three clusters. On each cluster, both 1-duplication and 2-duplication histories were observed based on the sequence similarity between miR395 genes, some of which were nearly identical suggesting a recent origin. This was supported by a miR395 locus survey among several species of the genus Oryza, where two clusters were only found in species with an AA genome, the genome of the cultivated rice. A comparative study of the genomic organization of Medicago truncatula miR395 gene family showed significant expansion of intergenic spaces indicating that the originally clustered genes were drifting away from each other. The diverse genomic organizations of a conserved microRNA gene family in different plant genomes indicated that this important negative gene regulation system has undergone dramatic tune-ups in plant genomes. MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are 20-22 nucleotide non-coding RNAs that play important roles in plant and animal development. They are normally processed from larger precursors that can form stem-loop structures. Among 20 miRNA families that are conserved between Arabidopsis and rice, the rice miR395 gene family was unique because it was organized into compact clusters that could be be transcribed as one single transcript. We show here that in fact this family had four clusters of total 24 genes. Three of these clusters were segmental duplications. Both contained miR395 genes of both 120 bp and 66 bp long. However, only the latter was repeatedly duplicated. The fourth cluster contained miR395 genes of two different sizes that could be the consequences of intergenic recombination of genes from the first three clusters. 1-duplication and 2-duplication histories were observed based on the sequence similarity between miR395 genes, some of which were nearly identical suggesting a rec This was supported by a miR395 locus survey among several species of the genus Oryza, where two clusters were only found in species with an AA genome, the genome of the cultivated rice. A comparative study of the genomic organization of Medicago truncatula miR395 gene family showed significant expansion of intergenic spaces indicating that the originally clustered genes were drifting away from each other. The diverse genomic organizations of a conserved microRNA gene family in different plant genomes that that important gene regulation system has undergone dramatic tune-ups in plant genomes.
摘要:在现代初中数学的教学过程中往往采取填鸭式的教学方式,在这种教学模式的盛行之下,学生往往不能积极主动的去思考老师所提出的问题,使整个数学教学质量难以提高。基于此,本文主要对初中数学参与式教学法的有效应用进行了探讨。  关键詞:初中数学;参与式教学法;有效应用  中图分类号:G623.5  在数学课堂的教学过程中,参与教学的数学老师要充分利用自己专业知识和技能不断的启发学生自主思考的能力,充分带
中图分类号:G42  最近在网上查找资料时,看到这样一条消息。在一次教学工作的讨论中,讲到作文批改问题的时候,有一位女教师激动地站起来说:“**教授,我们都知道作文批改中有许多重复而无效的劳动,除了改出一些错别字,就是写一些颠来倒去的评语。我用了几乎全部的业余时间批改作文!我今天也不怕得罪领导,我敢说,我都改得快要发疯了!”她的话,引起了全场几百名听众的共鸣。  小学教师利用大量的时间批改学生的习
一、 激趣导入  1. 老师给大家猜个谜语:一二三四五六七,七个伙伴在一起。齐心合力拼图形,千变万化真神奇。(七巧板)  2. 我们在数学课上认识了七巧板,在综合实践课上玩过七巧板,你们喜欢七巧板吗?  3. 别看它只有七块板,但是却能巧妙地变化出无数图形,难怪它被称为——七巧板呢!七巧板是我们中国人智慧的结晶!你们一定想不到,这种玩具是由一种古代家具演变来的吧。听——(课件:出示《七巧板来历》:
中图分类号:G633.7  深入学习贯彻党的十八大提出:“加强教师队伍建设,提高师德水平和业务能力,增强教师教书育人的荣誉感和责任感”,对目前来讲摆在我们广大教师面前的,如何提高教学质量是首要问题。而提高教学质量的最关键性目标就在于在限有的资源环境下突破传统教学的弊端。  傳统教学的缺点和优点:  传统教育的缺点:传统的教学方法主要在于按照书面知识进行直白的传授,学生会感到难以消化和理解。如教师对