创先争优 加快推进“四地一中心”建设——专访阿坝州人民政府副州长、茂县县委书记尼玛木

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按照党中央和四川省委的部署,从2010年4月到党的十八大召开前,在党的基层组织和党员中深入开展创建先进基层党组织、争当优秀共产党员活动。阿坝州结合本地实际,以“深入学习实践科学发展观、奋力推进阿坝跨越式发展和长治久安”为主题,以创建先进基层党组织、争当优秀共产党员为主要内容,紧扣灾区重建发展和藏区反分裂维稳实际,改革创新,务求实效,统筹推进党的建设等工作,进一步激发了各级党组织和广大党员的生机活力。充分发挥基层党组织的战斗堡垒作用和共产党员的先锋模范作用,在推动科学发展、维护社会稳定、促进民生改善、加强基层组织的实践中建功立业。在此次“创先争优”活动中,茂县按照阿坝州委“创先争优”推进会的部署,把创先争优活动作为强攻薄弱环节,破解重建发展难题,又好又快推进全县各项工作的实践平台和强大引擎,把“创先争优”活动与灾后重建紧密结合,努力在“主题突出、特色鲜明、营造氛围、务求实效”上下功夫。在推动恢复重建的进程中,茂县各级党组织和广大党员干部,紧紧抓住灾后重建机遇,迎难而上,坚强奋进,努力在破解重建发展难题中争创佳绩。截至今年9月底,全县灾后重建开工项目568个,开工率达99.8%,完工项目499个,完工率为87.7%,完成投资1 34.8亿元,完成率为86.6%,实现了党中央、国务院提出的灾后恢复重建“三年任务两年基本完成”双85%的目标。各项事业焕发出盎然生机。近日,本刊记者对阿坝州人民政府副州长、茂县县委书记尼玛木进行了专访。 According to the arrangements made by the Party Central Committee and the Sichuan Provincial Party Committee, from April 2010 to the 18th CPC National Congress, the grass-roots party organizations and party members in the party conducted in-depth activities of creating advanced grass-roots party organizations and striving for outstanding communists. Aba Prefecture combines local conditions with the theme of “deepening the study and practice of the scientific concept of development, pushing forward the leap-forward development of the Aba and long-term peace and stability”, with the goal of creating advanced grass-roots party organizations and striving for outstanding communists, closely following the reconstruction and development of the disaster-hit areas And Tibetan anti-separatism to stabilize the reality, reform and innovation, seek practical results, co-ordinating and promoting party building and other work, to further stimulate the vitality of party organizations and the majority of party members at all levels. Give full play to grass-roots party organizations as a fighting fortress and a vanguard and exemplary role of party members in promoting scientific development, safeguarding social stability, promoting people’s livelihood, and strengthening the grass-roots organizations in their careers. In the activity of “Creating Excellent Campaigns”, Mao County, in accordance with the deployment of the Aba Prefecture Commission for Promoting Advances and Excellent Disciplines, set the campaign for creating superiority as a weak link in the fight against corruption and rejuvenating the development challenges And quickly promote the practice platform and powerful engine of various work in the county to closely integrate the activity of “creating excellence” and post-disaster reconstruction, striving to be effective in the theme of “distinctive features, creating an atmosphere and seeking practical results” . In the process of promoting the restoration and reconstruction, the party organizations and the party members and cadres at all levels in the Mao County firmly grasp the opportunities for post-disaster reconstruction, meet the difficulties, work hard and strive to crack down on the reconstruction and development challenges. As of the end of September this year, 568 reconstruction projects started after the disaster, with a starting rate of 99.8%, 499 completed projects, a completion rate of 87.7%, an investment of 1.348 billion yuan, and a completion rate of 86.6%. The Party Central Committee and the State Council Put forward the reconstruction of post-disaster recovery “Three-year mission basically completed two years ” double 85% goal. Various career glow full vitality. Recently, our correspondents interviewed Ni Ma Mu, deputy governor of Aba Prefecture People’s Government and Mao County county secretary.
当前,部队各级党组织“创先争优”活动已全面展开。要使活动取得实效,充分发挥党员主体作用是一个重要方面。坚持思想先行强化主体意识针对部队特点,首先要把准广大 At pres