二十世纪最令人感到欣喜若狂的莫过于最后几年间以Internet为代表的信息网络技术所取得的发展了。然而,在这大好前景背后好象总是存在着那么一点令大家深感困惑的问题:几年来异军突起的除了“电子商务”,也就是ICP(或ISP+ICP)了。我们不禁要问:为什么前些年还在国内独领风骚的各大ISP到1999年却几乎听不到什么风声了? 网民看国内ISP 1996至1997年间几乎一哄而上的国内各ISP确实将可望而不可及的Internet带到了中国每普通老百姓身边,此间各ISP的功劳自然在中国IT产业发展史上可圈可点。然而接下去残酷的市场竞争、各方面条件的制约造成各ISP的惨淡经营,说句心里话也确实是让中国广大网民“目不忍睹”。究竟是什么原因从根本上限制了我
The most ecstatic of the twentieth century was the development of information network technology represented by the Internet in the last few years. However, behind this good prospect, there seems to be always a little-so-perplexing question: In recent years there has been a proliferation of “e-commerce”, that is, ICP (or ISP + ICP). We can not help asking why the main ISPs in China who dominated in previous years barely heard the sound of the wind in 1999. Internet users look at domestic ISPs that almost swallowed up from 1996 to 1997 indeed did The unobtrusive Internet brought to every ordinary Chinese in China, the merit of each ISP here naturally in the history of China’s IT industry is remarkable. However, following the brutal competition in the market, the conditions of various parties have caused the dismal operation of ISPs. It is true that the majority of Internet users in China are “unbearable”. What is the reason that basically limits me