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萨特说:“人的存在,具有问题的形式。”一篇3000字的练笔,改写成一篇近10000字的小说,只是在更详尽、更形象地叙述。每一位当事人都可以是小说的作者,只是别人把事情录在记忆中,上海中学的徐雅男同学把事情记在纸上。其实,这篇小说只是事由的一端,或只是一种可能,或只是一种想象的真实,但却被写成一个娓娓道来的故事;结构是中国水墨画的散点透视,但却写得耐读而有韵味。其实小说重要的是一种发现,米兰·昆德拉强调小说的使命:“只是发现,只有小说才能发现。”《女中1000天》,它打开一扇窗,就像打开1000天的每一扇窗地吸引着人,给人们一种陌生的惊奇感。它让我们跟着小艾的目光去看待这个隐秘而真实的世界。这所女中无疑是美的,它给多少女孩(包括男孩们)种种莫名的幢憬与向往。而作者似乎意欲人们更关注这1000天加之于内心的一种困惑:这些女孩在这个特定的环境中精神的成长及心灵世界的变化。这群女孩子,三年相处,在临别之际才如刚进校的第一天一样聚集在樱桃树下,才懂得了什么才是青春生命所渴望、所珍视、所值得去追求的,这是她们用1000天的生命去读懂的生活,是时间这个银行,给每个人的财富。与其要竭力考查小说所写的是否实有其人其事,还不如审视一下自己的真实内心。 Sartre said: “The existence of people has a problematic form.” A 3,000-word brushstroke is rewritten as a nearly 10,000-word novel, but it is described in more detail and more vividly. Each party can be the author of a novel, but someone else has recorded it in memory. Xu Yanan, a student at Shanghai Middle School, wrote it down on paper. Actually, this novel is only one end of the matter, or just a possibility, or just an imaginary truth, but it is written as a story of an embarrassing story; the structure is a scatter perspective of Chinese ink painting, but it is hard to write. Reading has a charm. In fact, the important novel is a discovery, Milan Kundera stressed the mission of the novel: “Just found, only the novel can be found.” “1000 days of the girl”, it opens a window, like opening 1000 days each The windows attract people and give people a strange feeling of surprise. It lets us follow the eyes of Xiaoyi to see this hidden and real world. This woman is undoubtedly beautiful. It gives a lot of girls (including boys) all sorts of strange buildings and longings. The author seems to have intended people to pay more attention to the confusion that these 1000 days have added to their hearts: the spiritual growth of these girls in this particular environment and the changes in the spiritual world. This group of girls, who lived together for three years, gathered at the cherry tree just as they had just entered the school on the first day. Only then did they understand what youth life desires, cherishes, and deserves to pursue. It is the life that they use for 1000 days to read. It is the bank of time that gives everyone the wealth. Instead of trying to examine whether the novel is actually written by someone else, it is better to examine your true heart.
木工师傅见到一棵大树 ,便立即思量做什么用料合算 ;商人发现一种商品 ,首先想到的是它的成本和价格 ;农民看到了一块土地 ,最先想到的是种什么庄稼合适。这就是人们常说的“