
来源 :纺织服装周刊 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chengjun_80
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在全球气候变暖的影响下,今年国内外两大市场对针织服装的需求不断增长,如今针织企业已经开始从简单的复制向设计创新转化。随着近年来产品结构不断调整,针织产品和针织服装的应用范围更加宽泛,经编产品、针织时装、家居服装、运动服装的比重迅速增加,此外,针织企业在加强品牌建设、提升产品档次方面表现出强烈要求。在首届中国国际针织博览会召开之际,本刊记者专访了中国针织工业协会理事长杨世滨、名誉理事长王智、副秘书长瞿静。 Under the influence of global warming, the demand for knitted garments in the two markets at home and abroad this year has been on the rise. Knitting enterprises have now started to transform from simple copying to design innovation. With the continuous adjustment of product structure in recent years, the application of knitted products and knitted garments is more extensive. The proportion of warp knitted products, knitted garments, home garments and sportswear is rapidly increasing. In addition, the knitting enterprises are strengthening brand building and product quality Show strong demand. On the occasion of the first China International Knitting Exposition, our correspondents interviewed Yang Shibin, chairman of China Knitting Industry Association, honorary chairman Wang Zhi and deputy secretary-general Qu Jing.
青春期虽不枯燥沉闷,但也无需平添烦恼。 Although puberty is not boring, but it does not need to add trouble.
做慈善,也可以讲回报!由招商银行与易趣网(www.eachnet. com)日前推出的“爱心操场红动中国”网上慈善义拍活动首次引入“拍一赠一”方式,希望藉此提升拍卖成交率和成交额。
几天前,我把孩子们的家庭教师朱丽叶·瓦西里耶夫娜叫到了我的书房里。 “请坐,朱丽叶”,我说道,“让我们来结一下帐。尽管你很需要钱用,但出于礼貌你却不愿开口。 A few d
I Love My Love(爱我所爱)……参加游戏人数:3人以上:工具:无 The players try to complete thesentence“I love my love because he/she is____” with adjectives beginn
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A:早上好,凯恩医生诊所。 B:我是约翰·法默。我想在下星期定个时间进行例行牙科检查。 A:请不要挂断电话,我来查查日程表。凯恩医生下星期二下午有空。你能来吗? B:可以。