必修六 Unit 1 Art

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  1. He was a good servant and has served the family_______for 40 years. Because of his_______service, the family had great_______in him. (faith)
  2. _______, the judge was troubled by the case for which no_______was provided. But it was_______that the police had done their best. (evident)
  3. The opinions Mr. Brown put forward in the_______were rather narrow and_______ . He usually behaves rather_______ .(convention)
  4. Scientists always try to_______the results of the experiments. Though they know that the outcome of many experiments is not always entirely_______ , they still like to make a_______. (predict)
  5. From the book which explores the relationship between religion and_______ , people come to know that such things should not be allowed to happen in a_______society. (civilize)
  6. The roses are extremely_______ , and experts make_______from these roses. (fragrant)
  名词:sculpture, gallery, technique, shadow, figure, reputation, signature, scholar, geometry
  形容词:abstract, typical, superb, ridiculous, controversial, specific, delicate, permanent, visual
  动词:adopt, possess, predict, attempt, aim, appeal
  1. 我公司成立于1983年,有着十多年的历史和丰富的经验;在海外拥有10所分公司和多个网上服务点;
  2. 因受到激烈竞争的影响,我公司计划扩展业务,需招聘一名经理,主要负责非洲地区的业务;
  3. 欢迎专业、勤奋、有团队合作精神的人士加盟;
  4. 如果应聘者对该职位有兴趣,请通过电子邮件邮寄简历,合适人选将接受董事长的面试。
  be influenced by, in possession of, a great deal of, scores of, attempt to, concentrate on, in the flesh, have a preference for, appeal to
  Our company was established in 1983, with a history of over ten years and (1)_______ experience. We are (2)_______ten branches overseas and (3)_______websites at your service. (4)_______the fierce competition, our company (5)_______expand our business and employ a manager who will (6)_______the business in Africa. We (7)_______those who are professional, hard-working and co-operative. If the post (8)_______you, you can send us your resume by E-mail and the competent ones will be provided with a chance to have an interview with the chairman (9)_______.
  阅读课文有关 “现代艺术”(Modern Art)的介绍(课本第3页),并回答下列问题。
  1. Divide the paragraph into two parts according to the structure below.
  2. What styles of modern art are mentioned?
  3. Write a summary of the paragraph within 30 words.
  技巧点拨:摘要写作前,可简要分析文段结构与内容,并对其进行综合概括。写作时,可使用副词、介词结构等,使文章简练。概括并列成分时,可使用not only...but (also), both ...and, while等句型,使前后连贯。
  1. 你将选择哪门选修课?为什么?
  2. 你希望学到什么内容?
  阅读下面短文, 按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求, 在空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空。
  If William Shakespeare, England’s most famous writer, was to walk down an English street today, it’s likely that no one would know who he was. That’s__1__400 years after his death, there are very few pictures of Shakespearein__2__(exist) to tell us what he looked like. And the pictures we do have are so old-fashioned in style__3__it’s hard to imagine the writer we know and love__4__a flesh-and-blood human being. But luckily,__5__unknown portrait of Shakespeare-painted during__6__lifetime, was made public in London. Experts say it is the first painting__7__(show)what Shakespeare really looked like.
  The painting had been hidden away__8__centuries in the private collection of an aristocratic (贵族的)family. For years none of the family had ever looked twice at the painting. According to the US newspaper, the Baltimore Sun, in the painting Shakespeare looks “young, hip(时髦的)and movie-star handsome.”
  Scholars will likely debate the picture’s__9__(authentic) for many years, but most of the British public__10__(convince)that the painting is real. Most agree that if Shakespeare didn’t look so handsome he certainly should have.
  阅读下面短文, 掌握其大意, 然后从各题所给的A、B、C和D项中,选出最佳选项。
  Liu Wei, breathed a sigh of relief, started drawing on his painting board again. It has been a month since Liu and 50 other art students of their school, Ningxiang No 1 High School in Hunan, began their five-month art training courses at a painting__1__in Changsha. On departure, Liu’s teacher warned them of a__2__schedule in their coming future. However, he never thought that their courses would be so frightening——every day, he gets up at 6∶30am and finally__3__his painting stuff at 11∶30pm.
  “It is harder than I imagined, but every day becomes__4__because you learn new things and you improve,” Liu said. Liu__5__every moment with those art teachers, many of whom are invited from well-known art universities.
  Although Liu and other students at the studio spend most of their time on specialized painting classes, it doesn’t mean that they don’t have to care much about their general subjects including Chinese, English, maths, etc.__6__, Liu’s Monday afternoons are occupied with different classes for general subjects, and his school teachers pay regular__7__to Changsha and help them review their lessons. Liu is__8__in his general subjects but he still spends all his mornings reading English and Chinese.
  “Like every other Senior 3 student, we’re__9__the most stressful times. But you experience pain, so you will eventually__10__,” Liu smiled.
  1. A. stadiumB. shopC. studioD. department
  2. A. busy B. terrible
   C. fixedD. wonderful
  3. A. throws away B. puts aside
   C. misses out D. gets away with
  4. A. dull B. curious
   C. specific D. meaningful
  5. A. spends B. values
   C. chats D. adopts
  6. A. However B. Instead
   C. Otherwise D. Thus
  7. A. tips B. money
   C. calls D. visit
  8. A. poor B. superb
   C. confident D. independent
  9. A. aiming at B. attempting at
   C. going through D. looking forward to
  10. A. gain B. fail
  C. win D. suffer
对应用技术型测绘工程人才的培养来说,实践和理论同等重要,对测绘工程人才培养的开放性实践教学模式提出了几点问题,并进行了探讨。  测绘工程开放性实践教学人才培养一、引言  测绘工程是专业性和实践性很强的应用学科,随着社会和信息科学技术的发展,独立学院测绘工程专业为了适应社会对测绘人才的需要,主要以培养应用型、创新型人才为目标。而实践教学是测绘工程专业课程教学中非常重要的环节,学生需要通过充足、科学合