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《义务教育英语课程标准》要求在实际的教学中,教师要注重坚持“以人为本”的课堂教学理念,尊重学生的主体性地位,培养他们学习英语的积极性和主动性,从而促使课堂教学效益最优化的实现。提高课堂教学的时效性是当前初中英语新课程改革的要求,也是提高学生英语运用能力、促使学生全面发展的重要保障。主要从教学理念转变、教学情境创建、教学方法的改革与创新以及和谐师生关系的建立等方面来分析提高初中英语课堂教学时效性的具体方法和措施。 The standard of compulsory education English curriculum requires that in practical teaching, teachers should pay attention to adhere to the “people-oriented” concept of classroom teaching, respect students’ subjective status, cultivate their enthusiasm and initiative in learning English so as to promote classroom teaching efficiency Optimized implementation. To improve the timeliness of classroom teaching is the current requirement of the reform of new curriculum in junior high school English, and also an important guarantee to improve students ’abilities to use English and promote students’ all-round development. Mainly from the teaching concept of change, the creation of teaching situations, teaching methods of reform and innovation and the establishment of harmonious relationship between teachers and students to analyze the middle school English classroom to improve the timeliness of specific methods and measures.
在任何阶段的英语学习中,词汇的掌握都是重点,从基础出发,真正学会单词;学习构词方法,总结记忆规律两方面阐述了如何提高高中英语词汇教学效率。 In any stage of English l
兴趣是学生主动学习、积极思维、大胆质疑、勇于探索的强大动力。从几个方面谈了如何在数学课上提高学生的学习兴趣,从而让课堂活起来。 Interest is a powerful motivation
谈了如何在语文课堂上让学生积累知识、经验、感情及了悟和增加思想感情和精神修养。 Talked about how to let students accumulate knowledge, experience, feelings and
浓厚的兴趣是学生学好英语的关键。从游戏方式激发学生兴趣、竞赛机制保持学生热情两方面阐述了如何激发学生学习英语的兴趣。 Strong interest is the key to learning Eng
结合教学实践,列举了三种拟好话题作文的题目的方法。 Combined with teaching practice, enumerated three kinds of topics to be the topic of the essay.
在新课程改革的大力倡导下,合作学习已被广大教师接受并广泛运用于课堂教学中。结合初中英语教学特点,谈了小组合作学习法在初中英语教学中的应用。 With the vigorous advo