One-step sandwich method with monoclonal antibody was used to determine the carcinoembryonic antigen content in gastric juice, esophageal cancer, gastric ulcer, and various gastritis patients. The results showed that the gastric carcinoembryonic antigen in gastric cancer group was significantly higher than that in esophageal cancer (P<0.05), ulcer group (P<0.001) and gastritis group (P<0.001); the sensitivity, specificity, and totality of gastric carcinoembryonic antigen assay in the diagnosis of gastric cancer. The accuracy rate of accuracy is 82.6%, 88.5% and 87.1% respectively. The value of gastric carcinoembryonic antigen detection in the diagnosis of gastric cancer is much better than that of serum carcinoembryonic antigen. The buffer dilution method is simple and rapid, and the detection sensitivity is 0.4ng/ml. 1.5h can batch report results.